• 🌹 XIV 🌹 •

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Over the time that I have spent at Chanyeol's house, which hasn't been that long now that I think about it, Sehun and I have become a lot closer. Close enough to where he trusts me with some of his personal problems. He told me how he doesn't really think that he can be around Kai and Soo for a little bit seeing as to how they're dating and all. He then proceeded to invite me over to his house. I had to wait until they came home from school since I was still out "sick", then I started to get dressed. I told chan that I was heading over to Sehun's house, and he reluctantly let me go.




"Channie, I'm heading out," I yelled.

"Wait, What? Where?" He ran up to me as I was putting on a jacket.

"Sehunnie, invited me over to his house earlier today, so I had to wait until he came back from school," I said, now tying my shoes.

"You can't" he paused " you're still sick."

"I'll be just fine, and if anything happens I'm sure Sehun can handle me," I said, opening the door. "I'll be back in a little bit."

With that, I walked to Sehun's house. It was a little far, but I needed some exercise after being locked up at Channie's house for so long. I started pulling up to sehun's house after a 20-minute walk. I knocked on the door and Sehun opened it wearing a wife beater and basketball shorts. I hoped that blush on my face wasn't noticeable to him. He made way for me and I walked right into the house. I took off my jacket and he told me to sit down. He went to go get me a drink and then walked me into his room. We talked in there for a while until he took me into his garden. The garden was ginormous with a plethora of flowers. It was really weird seeing something so big behind such a normal looking house. He was showing me all the flowers he was growing.

"Over there I have all the roses I could ever find. I don't really like roses that much, in fact, they might be my least favorite flower, but I couldn't bring myself not to grow some," he said. I looked over to where he was talking about, and saw a plethora of different colored roses. Closest to us were the lighter move vivid colors that seemed to fade seamlessly into the darker colors. The only ones that seemed to be missing were the red and white roses.

"Only a few of those colors are natural. The kind of rose you see kinda changes depending on its environment. I made some of these colors by basically by breeding two different kinds of roses together. The blue and black roses are fake though, unfortunately, there's no such thing as a blue or a black rose." He started walking away, so I ran up behind him.

"I also noticed that there are a couple of colors missing," I said, wondering why he would have all but a few colors.

"My parents travel a lot, and when I first came up with this gardening obsession, I wanted to grow almost every flower there was. As you could probably tell, whenever I want something I won't stop until I get it. After I found most of the roses I could, my parents would bring back some to help grow my garden. Those are the only ones I managed to get my hands on."

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