• 🌹 XV 🌹 •

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It's been a few days since my fight with Chanyeol. Sometimes we would make eye contact in the halls, but whenever I would attempt to call out to him, he would give me a scowl and turn the other way. He stopped sitting at our lunch table altogether and would hang out with that tall brunette more often. It was hard seeing my best friend avoid me like this, but my pride wouldn't let me admit that I was wrong. He just didn't like seeing me and Sehun together, that's all. There's no way sehun would have done something like that. But then again-

My thoughts were cut off by me bumping into someone, throwing my glasses onto the floor.

"Hey there, watch it now."

I look up to see a tall boy with slanted eyes, and brown hair looking down at me with a bright smile, holding my glasses.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that. I must've been in my own little world," I said, placing them back onto my face.

"I get it, that happens to the best of us," he reached his hand out to me, his smile making his eyes disappear. "I'm Kim Jungwoo by the way."

I grabbed his hand and shook it, "Byun Baekhyun."

Since I could see clearly now, I took the time to take in his attire. His outfit was... interesting to say the least. He had on a white button up top, with a black blazer that had the trim embroidered with a tan colored string. The button up was messily hanging about his body and out of the blazer. What seemed like the hood of a windbreaker was holding the blazer shut at Jungwoo's collarbone. Everything else other than his torso seemed to be quite normal, tan colored pants with the ankle rolled up a bit and some white FILA sneakers. The combo, somehow, made him look like he was straight out of a music video.

He took notice that I was looking at his outfit.

"Oh yeah this," he said with a bashful look on his face, "I was trying something new today, and I think I quite like it. What do you think?"

"I think you look good, I don't know how, but you make it work."

"Thanks? Anyway, Baekhyun, you should really pay attention more. I'll see you around."

With a wave and a smile, he was gone. It was weird how I've never really seen him around school before, considering the way he dresses is hard to miss. I ditched the thought of it and continued making my way to class, almost forgetting what I was thinking about before my little encounter.

"Hey baek, wait up."

I knew that voice all too well.

"Hey, hunnie. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could come over later today, I just got this game that I've been wanting for months and I wanted to know if you would come play it with me."

"Sounds like fun hun, count me in."

We continued to my class before we went our separate ways. I wish he wouldn't have left, I began to feel comfortable whenever I was around Sehun. He was like a sense of home away from home, if that made any sense. With the amount of time we started spending together, I feel like I can really trust him. He has really opened up to me and I really appreciate it.

I walked into the Classroom and almost immediately regretted it. I made eye contact with Chanyeol as soon as I stepped through the creaking doors. The teacher Mr. Park didn't waste a second and told me to take a seat. Yet again, another thing I dreaded. Chanyeol and I decided that whenever we had a class together, we would sit next to each other, seeing as though we only have so many classes together. Since the year started over 7 months ago, everyone already had their seats established. My Geometry class just so happened to be the largest class that teacher has for the day. So taking all of this information in, the only seat that was left open, was next to Chanyeol.

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