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Alex POV

"And make sure he's in bed by 10 p.m.!" Eacker's mom instructed before leaving, waving as she left.

Seeing as I wasn't exactly the richest person in the world, I decided to get a job. And seeing as I was some nobody from an island nobody knew about, I wasn't really anyone's first choice. But the Eacker family decided that I would be the best babysitter for their thirteen year old son; George Eacker.

I sighed and decided to check on Eacker. He had stayed in his room while I said goodbye to the parents, so I decided to look in there.

"George?" I opened his door slightly, peering inside.

"Sup, grandpa," George muttered.

He was sitting on his bed, playing some video game.

"Probably Fortnite," I thought to myself.

"I'm not your grandpa," I said.

"Oh, right. Sorry, grandma,"

"I'm like, nineteen. Do I look like one of your grandparents?" I crossed my arms.

"I guess so. You're just as ugly,"

I could not believe this guy. He just called his grandparents ugly! Like, who does that?!

"Hey, don't forget you're related to them,"

He shot me a glare, "Just- Leave me alone."

"If you need anything just tell me," I shrugged, closed his door, and went back to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and began my homework.

For the first day, I thought there wouldn't be too much work, but I was juggling quite a few subjects. Plus, I had to keep good grades or else my scholarship would be taken away. And I couldn't possibly let that happen. I refused to go back to Nevis.

I shook my head, and began typing.

I was about halfway through my essay, when Eacker walked in, holding a bunch of candy bars and his phone and earbuds.

"Sup, kiddo," I mumbled, not looking up from my screen.

"What's your name anyway?" Eacker sat down.


"Oh, okay Alex. Why are you here?"

"I'm your babysitter,"

"I don't need a babysitter, I'm like, thirteen,"

"A lot of old people actually do have a caretaker of some sort. So if you don't like me being the babysitter, I'll be your caretaker,"

"Oh, so now you're the one calling me old?"

"Is Lin Manuel Miranda a musical genius?"

"Uhh... yes?"

"Then yes," I smiled.

Eacker glared at me before turning on the TV and switching through channels.

After about five minutes, he settled on the news, and turned up the volume to an obnoxious amount.

I tried to ignore it, and focused on my writing, but then shit real.

He. Turned. On. Country. Music.

And the fact that it was louder than anything I had ever heard didn't help much.

"Can you turn that down a bit?" I asked, yelling slightly.

"Hmm? Sorry, can't hear you,"

I groaned, and tried to block out the noise.

"Can we get some pizza?" George inquired, finally turning down the volume on everything.

"Let me see," I answered, walking into the kitchen.

I checked the fridge, the freezer, and anywhere else a pizza could be hiding, but no luck. Pizza was no where to be found.

"Um... you don't have pizza," I entered the living room once more.

"How about we eat out? I'll pay,"

"Are your parents okay with this?" I asked sternly.

"Yep," He nodded.

I knew there was a ninety percent chance that he was lying, but I just wanted him to shut up, so I went along with it.

"Follow me," He guided me outside, and we went on our way.

Once we arrived, I noticed a kid that Eacker seemed to make contact with instantly. They looked about the same age as each other.

"Phillip!" Eacker ran up to this Phillip guy and gave him a hug.

"Sup," Phillip grinned.

I noticed that Phillip looked an awful lot like my roommate, just younger. However, I wasn't quite sure at the time, seeing as we hadn't spoken at all.

"Alex, this is my friend Phillip. Phillip, this is my friend Alex," Eacker introduced us to each other.

"Don't you mean babysitter? Or do you still prefer caretaker?" I joked.

Phillip chuckled.

"Alex!" Eacker complained, stretching out the e in my name.

I knew that if I pushed him further, he'd probably tell his parents. And I didn't want to be fired already, so I didn't pry further.

"Alright, fine. Let's go get pizza,"

We walked inside, and the scent of fresh pizza hit us instantly.

"Man, this place has the best pizza," Phillip grinned.

"Certainly smells good," I replied.

We found a seat, and continued small talk.

"What can I get for you gentlemen?" A waiter inquired, walking up to our table.

We agreed on an extra large pizza with all toppings. Ambitious, I know.

"So... How'd you two meet?" I inquired as we awaited our food.

"Phillip goes to my school. He's an orphan," Eacker answered.

"Orphan..?" I raised a brow.

"Yeah," Phillip nodded.

An awkward silence occurred.

"Here's your pie!" The waiter exclaimed, placing the pizza in front of us.

I sighed, and unlocked my dorm door.

As it opened, I looked around. My roommate wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I let out a sigh of relief, went to my room, finished up my homework, and went to bed.

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