Hamster babies

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Alex POV

Saying that waking up in John's arms made butterflies breakdance in my stomach was an understatement.

I felt like my heart would explode any minute, it hurt that bad.

However, it felt so insanely amazing at the same time.

It made me consider my feelings for him. We were good friends, maybe I simply treasured what we had?

Or maybe I did love him.

I shook my head at the thought.

I wasn't denying my sexuality, I just felt like everything was moving too quickly.

Like it wasn't even real, my feelings of course, I knew the relationship was fake.

I sighed, remembering I had to babysit that Eacker kid today.

I wiggled out of John's arms awkwardly, hoping not to wake him.

I got dressed into something that wasn't plaid pjs and socks with at least half a million holes, then hurried back into the living room.

I pulled on my shoes, tying them loosely and heading out as quick as possible.

The Eacker Residence was about a seven blocks away, so I considered taking a bus, but I then realized I left my money back at the dorm.


It was mid October, and the leaves falling down matched the ever growing breeze that chilled all of New York.

That meant I was basically freezing my nips off.

I sighed, trying to ignore the white cloud that formed as my breath escaped.

"Alexander. You're late," A voice scolded.

I jumped.

"I-I'm sorry, boss," that's what I called Eacker's parents, "I overslept, but I promise it won't happen again."

"Sure it won't, anyway, Eacker is in his room," Boss sighed, pushing past me instantly.

"Kay..." I replied, and walked into the house.

"Eacker? I'm here!" I called out, hoping for a response, but no avail.

I headed towards the room in which I had learned was his, and knocked.

"Alex! You're here, come in!" Eacker shouted, sounding happy.

I opened the door, to find Eacker surrounded by a bunch of hamsters.

Please don't tell me this is a live remake of Hamster Hell.

"Where'd you get all these?" I inquired, laughing a bit.

"I got a hamster a few weeks ago, and turns out acorn was pregnant! I'm a hamster daddy!"

"You're like, what, thirteen? Why do you want to be a rodent dad?"

"Because hamster babies are cute and fluffy,"

I smiled, but it soon dropped whenever I remembered this was exactly like Hamster Hell.

"H-Have you touched any of the babies?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah! They're soft! Who wouldn't?"


"You see, if you touch the babies, the mommy won't recognize their scent, and eat them,"

"Wait, what?!" He screamed.

"Don't worry, just keep them separated,"

"I only have one cage," He stood up, clutching the fluffy blobs in his arms.

"I'll buy you some new ones, and we can somehow change some of them to fit two hamsters. How many babies are there?"

"Seven," He answered.

"So we'll buy three more cages, and there will be two hamsters in each. Cool?"

"Cool," He sniffed.

I wondered how babies could fix a kid's attitude so quick.

"I'm gonna go get some money, be right back!" I ran out of his room, and back into the living room where I had left my wallet.

I grabbed it, and called out, "Eacker let's go! Put those babies in a safe place!"

"Just one sec!" He yelled back.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Eacker finally ran into the living room, with a mischievous grin on his face.

I shrugged it off as we ran to the pet store.

Once we finally got back, we got right to work.

Well, I did at least, he only sat in his bed and gave his babies cuddles.

I was fixing up the very last hamster cage, when Boss arrived.

They thanked me for helping with the hamsters, and finished the cage for me so I could leave.

I left the apartment content, but was surprised to see someone, holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates, just like they did whenever we met.

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