Late at Night

148 11 8

🍋 one month later 🍋

John POV

"Alex! When do you ever stop writing?!" I inquired, yelling slightly more angrily than I had anticipated.

Quite a bit of time had passed since Alexander and I began fake dating, and it didn't take long for me to learn his habits. First, he always stayed up late working on essays, which made me somewhat concerned for some reason. Every time I asked him about it, he just said all of the essays were homework. And I wasn't a law major, but I knew Professor Washington certainly didn't give as much homework as Alex had been doing. Plus, it made him look tired all of the time, which I found slightly adorable. Second, he always read the weirdest books. For example, Why Having a Decent Childhood is Overrated. Weird, I know, but relatable in a sense. Third, he seemed more or less sad. Like he was hiding something, and he could break at any moment. It was nerve wracking, but I didn't say anything. I knew he was already sensitive enough, no need to push it.

"When my homework is done," Alex answered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

It was about 1 a.m., and I had woken up to the sound of typing small coughs coming from Alexander's room, and I decided to check on him. So I went into his room to find him hunched over his laptop at his desk, typing away. I knew he hadn't slept in days, and began to have a small argument with him over self care.

"Oh, so when is this supposed homework due?" I raised a brow and crossed my arms.

Alex looked away nervously and mumbled, "In two months..."

"Two months?! Alex, take a break!"

"I can't! I have to keep up!"

I inhaled, obviously frustrated, "Alex I'm going to count to three."

"Will you be gone by then?"

"One..." I started.

Alex continued typing.


Alex didn't spare even a bit of his attention from his laptop screen.

"Three..." I finished.

Alex looked at me, as if he were expecting something.

I looked away for a moment, realizing I hadn't thought any of this through.

"You leave me no choice," I shook my head.

I quickly snaked my hands around his waist, and began tickling him.

He practically screeched, and fell on the floor, overcome with laughter.

I swiftly snatched his laptop, saved his file, and placed it on top of a shelf I knew he couldn't reach.

He finally stood up and realized what I had done with his laptop.

"Hey!" Alex grumbled.

"Hey," I grinned.

He glared at me, "Well I guess I should go to bed."

He turned towards his bed, but I grabbed the back of his shirt to stop him.

"Oh hell no! How do I know you're not going to somehow find a way to get your laptop, or just write down on paper?"

He turned around.

"I- I uh..."

"That's what I thought! You're coming with me," I grinned.

He turned slightly red, but looked away.

I walked him into the living room, and we sat on the couch.

I grabbed the remote and turned on some random show.

"How is this more productive than working on homework?" Alex inquired.

"I didn't say it was productive, but it's fun. And you need to take breaks more often," I answered.

The only noise that filled the room was a commercial going on about fish.

God, it was so awkward.

I looked over at Alex.

His expression was so unreadable, it worried me. He looked tired, hurt, and pissed.

Was he really that mad about not doing work? I just assumed he was grumpy, and let it go.

"Do you want any pizza rolls?" I broke the silence.

"Sure," Alexander's voice didn't sound like his expression let me assume. His voice was simply quiet, not angry, which surprised me.

I got up and headed to the kitchen. I pulled out a box of pizza rolls from the freezer, and put them into the oven.

I didn't want to wait for the rolls to cook in the kitchen, so I walked back into the living room.

I looked at Alex.

He was staring at his wrist, but as soon as he became aware of my presence, he pulled up his sweater sleeve and looked at me.

I sat down next to him.

"The pizza rolls will be done in twenty minutes," I said.

I thought I left to avoid the awkwardness, but it continued to linger.




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