Chapter 1 ~ The Accident

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A few weeks after my 19th birthday, my life changed in ways that I never imagined that it would.

I was finishing up my last year of high school and I was on track to graduate in the top 15% of my class. That was, until a massive storm hit my hometown of Busan.

I was in school during the storm, so I was safe from the damages that it caused. My parents, however, were not so lucky. They were having lunch out at a restaurant when the storm intensified. They wanted to be at our home near the school so they could get me as soon as the school let us leave. Both of them knew that it was risky to go out on the slick roads covered with the violently falling rain, but they left anyways. On their way home, lightning struck the road 15 feet in front of my dad's car, causing him to swerve off of the road and into the woods. He had lost control of the wheel, so there was no way to stop the car from crashing directly into a large tree. My mom and dad were both killed on impact.

Needless to say, I fell apart completely. I refused to leave the house or talk to any of my concerned relatives. The only person I could confide in was my Aunt Lee. I had always been very comfortable with her and we were very close. I had felt like I had been completely shattered after the accident, and she helped me put my pieces back together. She felt as if leaving Busan would be best for me so I could start a new life. I was 19, so I could have lived alone, but we agreed that I should have someone with me to help me through these hard times. Arrangements were made, and it was decided that I could stay with my cousin, Jihoon, in Seoul and finish high school online there.

I was never very close with Jihoon, but I knew that he was an idol and he lived with his groupmates in an apartment in Seoul like many other idol groups.

3 weeks after the accident, a funeral was held for my parents. All of my family, including Jihoon, came to Busan to grieve the loss of my mom and dad. The service was very beautiful and well-done. My Aunt Lee got up to speak about her beloved sister and her husband, and how they were soulmates who loved nothing more than their only daughter. My entire family was moved to tears from my aunt's wonderful telling of my parent's lives.

The service then continued in the graveyard where my parents had wanted to be buried. The sun cast a warm glow over everyone there, and not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. Days this perfect were very rare, but they were my parent's favorite, and I'm sure that they were admiring the gorgeous weather from up above.

All of my family from out-of-town had to leave the next day, except for Jihoon. He was going to spend the week in Busan with his mother, my Aunt Lee, and he would help me pack and get ready for the move into his dorm. Since we were never very close, I decided that we should talk about what I should expect at the dorm;

"Jihoon, how many people live in the dorm with you?"

"My group has 13 people in it, so it will be me and 12 other guys"

"Yah, I thought your group was called Seventeen? Shouldn't there be 17 of you?"

I looked at him with a confused look on my face. I didn't understand why there were 13 members if the group was called Seventeen. When he looked up, he looked frustrated.

"We get asked this too much. There are 13 members, 3 units, and 1 entire group. 13 plus 3 plus 1 equals 17. And we were originally supposed to have seventeen members, but four of them left."

"13 is still a lot of people. Are you sure that you have room for me?"

"We have an extra room with a bathroom just for you. You'll have all the privacy you need, so don't worry."

"Jihoon?" I asked

"Yes, Iseul?" Jihoon replied

I sat down on my bed and quietly asked,

"Do the other members know about the accident?"

Jihoon must have sensed my nervousness because he put down the box he was holding and sat down next to me on my bed.

"Yes, they know, but I told them to not bother you in any way or pressure you to talk about it. They are all good people, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides, if they try to do anything, it will only be to cheer you up. The members are great at that."

I hugged Jihoon and I could feel him tense up. I then remembered my Aunt Lee telling me that Jihoon wasn't friends with any girls and that he would probably be a bit awkward.

"It's okay, Jihoon. Not all girls bite!"

He calmed down a bit, then we both got up to resume packing. I haven't gotten to the dorm yet, but I had the feeling that everything may turn out to be alright.

A/n; I'm just going to put a little blurb at the end of each chapter where you can comment your thoughts. I would love to hear them!

I promise that the rest of SVT will come in soon, but we gotta have a backstory.

What do you think so far?

(Another fun little thing, "Iseul" means "dew", and it can be a boy's or a girl's name)

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