Chapter 15 ~ Staying Late

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■□ Wonwoo's POV □■

I'm not sure what got into me tonight. I saw Iseul come into the dorm with that outfit on, and I freaked out. I don't want the other members to see her like that, which I have no right to even be saying.

She talked to me and promised that she wouldn't wear clothes like that again, but I'm still trying to figure out why I was upset.

Then it hit me.

"Damn it, I need to talk to Mingyu." I muttered to myself.

I quietly slipped out of bed, trying my best not to wake Seungcheol, and I lightly walked out of our room.

I needed a key to the first floor dorm, but only two people in our dorm had the key to it.

Seungcheol and Iseul.

I knew Seungcheol put his keys in his nightstand, so going back in and getting them out would wake him up. Iseul, however, leaves hers on her desk.

I slipped into Iseul's room and got the keys from her desk. I looked over at her, and she looked so peaceful in her sleep. Her eyes were lightly closed, and the corners of her mouth were up a bit so she had a slight smile. Her hair was thrown across the side of her pillow. It looked like a long, flowing, dark waterfall.

Before I stared for too long, I walked out and left the dorm. I went down the stairs and let myself into the first floor dorm.

I went into Mingyu and Woozi's room and shut their door behind me. Mingyu woke up immediately.

"Wonwoo, what the hell are you doing here now?" He groggily asked while rubbing his eyes.

"I really need to talk to you. I didn't know who else to go to."

"I don't know, maybe your roomate?"

"I can't talk to Seungcheol about this. Not yet, at least."

"What's up?"

He sat up and moved to the back of his bed, letting me climb up and sit on the end of his bed. I took a deep breath in and said,

"I'm pretty sure I like Iseul." I mumbled while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Wait, what!?" Mingyu almost yelled. He was suddenly much more awake.

"I like Iseul. A lot." I said, this time more clearly.

"Since when?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"I don't know. All I know is that I really like her."

"Okay, what are you going to do about it?" He inquired, processing the situation.

"I have no idea. There is no way she likes me back."

"I wouldn't be so sure. She was practically drooling over you at the photoshoot."

"What?" I responded, surprised. I didn't completely believe Mingyu, but just the thought of Iseul feeling anything like the way I do made a smile tug at my lips.

"Yeah! And when I asked her about it, she got super defensive."


"Yes." Mingyu assured me.

"But, what about Jun? A lot of the members think that they are going to end up together.." I pointed out, sheepishly looking away.

"According to Minghao, there are no feelings there. They're just close friends.."

Suddenly, we heard movement from the other side of the room. We had completely forgotten about the now-awake Woozi.

"There's no way I'm letting Iseul go out with Jun even if they liked each other. Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your very loud conversation."

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