Chapter 22 ~ Long Distances (Pt 1)

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"Come on, lovebirds! The vans are leaving with or without you at 7:30. It's 7, and you two still haven't gotten out of bed!" I scolded Jeonghan and Joshua, who were cuddling in Jeonghan's bed. I had expected that the 25-year-olds could get up and ready on their own, but clearly I was wrong.

"I tried to get him up 30 minutes ago, I swear!" Joshua tried to defend himself.

"That is true. Instead of getting up, I pulled him back into bed. It's just so comfy here and Shua is so adorable when he's still half asleep. I couldn't help it! Besides, you should understand. We all see how Wonwoo holds you.." Jeonghan teased, making me blush a bit, but I quickly snapped out of it.

"Shut up and put some actual clothes on. You have 28 minutes!" I sternly said again, leaving the door slightly opened as I walked out.

I speedwalked over to Hoshi and Vernon's room, and found that Hoshi was still wandering around in his pajama pants and t-shirt, doing nothing productive.

"Hoshi!" I yelled, getting him to finally look up from whatever he was holding.

"Is something wrong, Iseul?" He asked nonchalantly, as if he wasn't leaving for a flight he wasn't prepared for in 27 minutes.

"You are aware that we are leaving in less than 30 minutes for the airport, right?" I asked.

His eyes opened wide, and he nervously asked,

"I thought we were leaving at 8:30?"

"No, Hosh. The vans will be here in 25 minutes, so I would hurry up." I said. I could tell that I sounded annoyed.

"Thanks, Iseul!" He said, quickly grabbing the folded clothes on his bed and running past me out of the door.

I turned to Vernon's bed, where he was laying, barely awake, looking at his phone.

"Hey dingus, that applies to you too. Get your ass out of bed!" I yelled, shaking his shoulder.

"Ah, do I have to?" He groaned in response, pulling the covers closer to him.

"You have to go preform for Carats, remember?" I tried to persuade him.

"You're right, I can't let them down. You're the best big sister ever, Iseul" he said, smiling a bit.

"And you're my favorite little brother, besides Chan, of course" I teased back.

That was a bit that we had started a few days earlier when Vernon pointed out that despite being younger than everyone but Chan, I was like an older sister to them. Ever since then, him, Chan, Seungkwan, and sometimes Hoshi have been calling me 'big sister' or 'noona'.

I stayed in the room until Hansol got out of bed and gathered up what he needed for the day. When I walked out, I saw Hoshi standing by the door of the bathroom, playing a game on his phone. I felt my frustration come back as I yelled,


"Sorry, noona!" He said, bowing and quickly going into the bathroom.

I sighed and rubbed my right temple as I walked across the dorm into Wonwoo's room. He was dressed and ready to go, just checking to make sure he had his passport. I flung myself onto his bed while muttering,

"No one in this dorm can get ready on their own.."

He sighed and turned to face me, leaning against his desk.

"That's a consequence of living with 13 guys.." he teased, smiling a bit.

"I know, I know. How did you guys survive without me before?" I questioned sarcastically.

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