Chapter 9 ~ The Meeting

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I still had some time to kill before the meeting at one, so I decided to explore the dorm a bit more. Jun showed me where all of the rooms were on his tour, but I forgot some of them already. I checked the schedule and saw that Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo, DK, Mingyu, Seungkwan, and Vernon had nothing on their schedules at the time. I knew where Jeonghan and Joshua were and what they were doing, but I wasn't sure about the rest of the members.

I walked out of my room and to Wonwoo and Seungcheol's room. I opened the door, and only Wonwoo was inside. He was laying on his bed, reading a book.

"What are you reading?" I asked, sitting down beside him on his bed. He put his bookmark in, and showed me the cover. It was 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.

"I heard that it's really popular in America. I found a translated copy and wanted to read it, so here we are"

"How is it so far?" I asked. Wonwoo finally sat up so it was easier for us to talk.

"It's good. The themes are interestingly portrayed. I can see how it is a classic."

"What are some of the themes?" I asked, curious about the book.

"It's a book about growing up and maturing. Prejudice is a big theme too, and through many characters the author expresses how it negatively impacts people."

"That sounds really cool. I want to read it when you're done!"

"Sure, yeah! Don't rush me though" he said, smiling.

"Do you mind if I look?" I asked, pointing to his pile of books at the end of his bed.

"Sure! Go ahead."

He watched me get up and look at what he had. I picked up one called 'The Guest'.

"That is a good book. I have read it a few times." Wonwoo said, noticing the one I picked out.

"I've seen it before, but I'd never had the chance to read it."

"You can borrow it, if you want?"

"Really? That would be great! Thank you!"

"No problem! Let me know when you're done with it. I want to know what you think about it."

"Sounds like a plan! Thank you!"

He laid back down and continued reading his book. I left his room and brought the book back to my room, putting it on my nightstand.

I still had a lot of time, so I walked over into the other hallway. I knew that Joshua was over in Jeonghan's room, so there was no point in going there. Vernon was home though, so I went into his room to see what he was doing. I opened his door, and the sound of American music hit me.

"Who's this?" I asked, standing in the doorway.

"This is Drake. He's a Canadian rapper."

"Do you listen to a lot of English music?"

"Yeah, I guess I do. I generally like rap music."

"Oh, that's cool. I don't really know a lot of English rap, so you'll have to make some recommendations for me."

"I can do that! I'll make a list and I'll give it to you later."

"Sounds good!"

"What music do you listen to?"

"Mostly Korean groups. I like Red Velvet, Twice, Kard, EXO, NCT, SHINee, Super Junior, and a few more."

"Those are all good groups! Hoshi loves SHINee, so he'll be excited to hear that. Most of us really like EXO too."

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