Chapter 2 ~ New Beginnings

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It was a week after the funeral, which meant that it was time for Jihoon and I to travel to Seoul. We could've taken the train, but we decided to fly to instead. My Aunt Lee took us to the airport in Busan and helped me unload my luggage.

"Remember that I'll always be here for you. Call me if you need anything, or if you need someone besides a 20-something year-old idol to talk to."

She hugged me tightly, and wiped away the tears that were starting to fall from my eyes. She told me,

"I know that you have a lot of pain right now, but you will be in good hands. You will have 13 caring guys to look out for you, am I'm always here for you."

Aunt Lee then kissed my head, and told Jihoon goodbye before he put on his mask and hat.

"Why do you need those?" I asked him after Aunt Lee had left

"I don't want you or I to be recognized by fans here. It will be easier that way."

He gave me a mask to put on, and then we gave our luggage to someone that would take it directly to the plane for us.


The flight was somewhat relaxing. Jihoon and I sat together in first class and stared out the window the entire time, admiring the scenery down below. When we landed, we got our luggage immediately and were escorted to a van that would take us to Seventeen's dorm. I loved looking out the window because I had never been anywhere other than Busan. Seoul was a whole new world that I was excited to explore.

We soon arrived at the dorm and we were greeted by people that took my luggage and would bring it up to the apartment for me. I started to reach for my mask so I could take it off, but Jihoon advised me to keep it on until we get inside. We took the elevator up to the dorm, and we could hear yelling from inside before we even got in. Jihoon took out his key, and opened the door to my new home.

The first thing I saw in the dorm were two people sitting on a couch, controllers in hand, and they were staring intently at the game and yelling at each other. I heard the sound of guns firing, and saw one of the people playing stand up and cheer, while the other just sat with their mouth open, clearly in shock from losing. Jihoon ushered me in, and the 2 people in the living area got up to greet us.

"Woozi-hyung, how was your trip?" One of them asked.

"It was good" he then turned to face me and said,

"Iseul, I actually have to go meet someone at the Pledis building. I'm sure that the rest of the group will help you get settled in."

Jihoon left, and the two guys that were standing there started to introduce themselves. The taller of the two guys stepped forward. His hair was swept slightly to the side, and he had a larger nose and mysterious looking dark eyes.

"It's very nice to meet you, Iseul. I'm Jun"

He bowed slightly and looked at me with a smile. The guy next to him told Jun something in Chinese, which I knew none of. The shorter of the two came foward and bowed also. He had longer black hair and glasses on the tip of his nose. He looked very fashionable.

"I'm The8, but you can call me Minghao. The8 is just my stage name. I was just telling Jun here to not flirt with you."

"I wasn't flirting!" He shouted

I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay Minghao, I think that Jun is just upset about losing to you earlier."

The8 started laughing, and Jun's face got a bit red.

"So, I'm assuming that you guys are from China? Or is speaking Chinese to confuse houseguests just a hobby?"

"Yes, we are both from China. Four of us in the group are foreigners. There are us two, and two Americans. Everyone else is from somewhere in South Korea." Minghao answered and Jun nodded his head.

"We should help Iseul with her stuff and show her around" Jun said.

"Alright. I'll get her stuff, and you can give her a tour."


A/n; I'm using the apartment that they just moved into this year. I know who's rooming with who and that they live on separate floors, but I'm not sure how it is really divided. For the purposes of this story, I am making it 2 floors with 7 people on each floor.

Floor 1;
The8, DK, Woozi/Mingyu, &

Floor 2;
Joshua, Jeonghan, S. Coups/Wonwoo,
Vernon/Hoshi, & Iseul

Each floor has it's own living space, a kitchen, a dining space, and 3 bathrooms. When the entire group hangs out, they are in the living space on the second floor.


Minghao took my suitcases one-by-one out to the elevator that would take him to the second floor, where my room is located.

"So we are in the first-floor living area now. Minghao, Jihoon, four more of our groupmates, and I live on this floor. The other groupmate's names are DK, Mingyu, Seungkwan, and Dino. I'm not sure who's here right now, but I can show you their rooms. Shall we?"

Jun reached his hand out to me, and noticing the gesture, I put my hand in his. He smiled, and led me towards the first hallway.

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