Chapter 25 ~ Moron

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°• Jihoon's POV •°

"Iseul- ah!" I shouted, wandering through the second floor dorm, looking for my cousin.

We just received word about a 3-week break we would get in a few months, and I wanted to plan a trip to Busan with Iseul and possibly Wonwoo, if they're still together then.

"Yah, where is that kid" I muttered to myself, going into Iseul's room. Surely enough, she wasn't in there, but there was a note on her bed.

Went out with the girls. Will be back around 3. Don't stress, Jihoonie! :)

      - Iseul

I put the note down and sighed. I guess I  could talk to her later. Then, I heard a quiet noise,




Yah, the punk forgot to turn off her faucet. I went into her bathroom and pushed both tabs fully back until the dripping stopped. Then, I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was a pink packaging in her trash bin, and it read,

'Pregnancy Test'

What the actual fuck?

This HAS to be a joke!

My little cousin!! Pregnant?!
I grabbed a cloth of a sort and began to move stuff around in Iseul's trash bin until I found what I was looking for.

The test read positive, and a second stick under that one also read positive..

"I'm going to kill that idiot" I muttered while storming into Seungcheol and Wonwoo's room, pregnancy tests in hand. Wonwoo was sitting on his bed and reading, and Seungcheol wasn't in the room. I closed the door behind me and practically shouted,

"What did you do to Iseul!?"

"Jihoon, calm down. What's wrong?"

"This!" I yelled, pulling out the pregnancy tests. Wonwoo's eyes widened, and he jumped up to grab the tests.

"Shit, oh shit, oh shit" he muttered while looking at the two positive results.

"Well?" I asked, trying to get an actual response from him.

"I mean, she did get out of bed really early, maybe it was morning sickness.." he thought out loud

"And how did you know that she got out of bed early?" I said, still fuming with anger.

"Uhh, the bathroom is past this room" he replied, not meeting my eyes.

"Yeah, sure" I grumbled. I sighed and sat down on Seungcheol's bed, cradling my head between my hands.

"Shit, I had four rules, four! And you managed to break the most difficult one!" I yelled, super pissed off. How could they be so careless? Iseul still has plans to go to college, and Seventeen is just getting more popular. How can either of them continue with their dreams if they have a kid!?

"Shit, Jihoon, I'll talk to her first. If you're the one interrogating her, she'll know you snooped around and she'll be super pissed." Wonwoo suggested.

Then, we heard the door open.

"Guys, we're back!" I heard a voice shout, it had to be Iseul.

°• Wonwoo's POV •°

"I'll go now" I said to the very angry Jihoon that was sitting across from me.

I stood up, grabbed the pregnancy tests, stuffed them into the pocket of my sweatpants, and walked out into the living area to see Iseul, Sook, and Min Jung

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