Chapter 3 ~ The Tour

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With him holding onto my hand, Jun led me back towards the first bedroom on the first floor. We passed the kitchen on our way.

"This is our kitchen, but we don't use it much. Usually we eat out or order in. None of us are great cooks, except for Mingyu. You can meet him later."

We continued towards the first hallway which had 3 doors.

"The first door on the right is a bathroom. DK and Dino share this one. The first door on the left is DK's room."

Jun opened the door to DK's room, and we stepped inside. DK was sitting at his desk and he was on his computer.

"Hyung, what do you think of this shirt?" He asked without turning around.

Jun looked at me, and gestured towards DK and mouthed the words,
"answer him". I looked at his computer screen and said

"The pattern is very nice, but isn't it similar to the shirt you have on now?"

Since he was not expecting a girl's voice, he jumped up and turned around and saw me and Jun standing in his doorway.

"Hyung! You were supposed to tell me when Iseul got here! I had my special welcome all planned out!"

"I'm sorry Dokyeom. Minghao and I were in the middle of something when she arrived. You can do your special welcome now."

"The timing isn't right. Sorry, Iseul, but my welcome won't be as special as I had hoped. My stage name is DK, which stands for Dokyeom. My real name is Seokmin though, but you can call me whatever you want."

He was almost as tall as Jun, but his face was longer. His nose reminded me of a knife, but his smile was amazing. It lit up the whole room.

"I'm sorry I missed out on that special introduction, but this one wasn't too bad. It was still better than Jun's. He had just lost against Minghao and he just stared at the screen in shock."

Jun sighed and said,

"I wish you would stop bringing that up, Iseul."

I responded with,

"But you're funny when you get annoyed and your face turns red!"

He rolled his eyes and said,

"I'm glad that my suffering brings you joy. Let's go to the next room. Also, you do already have several shirts like that, Dokyeom. Find something else."

"I get told this enough from Shua-hyung!"

I laughed, and Jun led me to the next room, our hands still together.

"This is the room that me, Seungkwan, and Dino share. I know that they aren't here since Seungkwan is at a vocal lesson and Dino is working on choreography with Hoshi. You can still see it though."

He opened the door, and we walked into his room. You could tell that three very different people lived here since every corner of the room was different. One corner of the room was filled with several Michael Jackson posters. In another corner, there was a shelf dedicated to Wonder Girls' albums. I could tell that the other corner belonged to Jun because of the poster of something in Chinese. His corner was also slightly unorganized, which seemed like how he would keep it.

"You can meet Seungkwan and Dino later. We will all be here for dinner together later tonight. This door here is for the second bathroom, which me and Seungkwan share. Do you want to move on to the other rooms?"

I nodded my head and Jun led me to another hallway, once again with 3 doorways.

"The first door on the left is the door to Minghao's room. Do you want to see it?"

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