Chapter 17 ~ Wandering Around

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The week was going by very quickly. There were practices for the duration of most days, and I was at almost all of them to support the group.

Wonwoo and I still hadn't told the guys about our new relationship. We had decided that it would be best to do it after the Ideal Cut concerts that weekend so it wouldn't be a distraction.

Though we were still a secret, Wonwoo and I still had some time alone every day. Whenever the group had a break, Wonwoo and I would sneak off to a small park in the city and just talk about the comeback and little things. They didn't seem so little when we were together though. I could talk with Wonwoo about something unimportant for hours, and he would somehow make it seem like the most important thing in the world. I loved that about him.

Soon enough, it was the day of the first Ideal Cut Concert. The boys were at the venue since early that morning to practice, but I decided that I would sleep in and meet them there for their lunch break.

I walked into their dressing room that afternoon, and was greeted by all of the members. They all shouted "Iseul!" And walked over to me.

I gave all of the members a hug, saving Wonwoo for last. He barely hugged me in front of the other members so they wouldn't get suspicious, but the look in his eyes told me that he would rather be hugging me tightly.

"How has practice been so far?" I asked the boys after we were all sitting down.

"It's good! I'm sure you'll love the show." Hoshi told me, the other members nodding in agreement.

Some managers brought in our lunch, and we started eating. Seungcheol was talking about his solo stage for the next night when clumsy Mingyu struck.

Mingyu was taking a sip from his bottle of water, when it slipped from his hand. He tried to catch it, but instead knocked it into me, causing it to drench my clothing.

"Mingyu!!" I shouted, jumping up in shock.

"It was an accident, Iseul. I'm so sorry!" He said, very apologetically. You could see the remorse on his face.

I sighed, and tried to shake the water off of my arms.

"Come on, Iseul. I'll show you where the bathrooms are." Wonwoo said, standing up from his couch. He guided me out of the dressing room as Mingyu cleaned up his mess while being scolded by Seungcheol and Jihoon.

Wonwoo led me to the bathroom, but he was very quiet.

"Wonwoo, what's wrong?" I asked once we went into the bathroom, closing the door behind us.

"I-umm, you.." he stuttered, trying his best to avoid looking at me entirely.

I turned to face the mirror, and I knew immediately what was making Wonwoo so nervous.

My bra was clearly visible through my t-shirt since it was soaked through.

"Yah, Wonwoo. It's okay. Do you want to go grab me one of your spare shirts?"

"Yeah.." he murmured quickly before running out.

I snickered at how panicked Wonwoo was. Thinking that he would take a while, I took off my wet t-shirt so I could dry off my torso.

Wonwoo, however, was much quicker then I thought he would be. He walked back in while I was still shirtless, wearing only my bra and jeans.

"Ahh!" He yelled, his face turning several shades of red. He quickly turned to the wall and put his forehead on it.

I laughed a little at my very flustered boyfriend.

"Wonwoo, just for future reference, most girls don't enjoy a guy yelling in fear when he sees them shirtless. It tends to scare us away."

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