Chapter 4 ~ First Night

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Me, Jun, and Jeonghan arrived back in the second floor living area where almost everyone had gathered. I recognized Minghao, DK, Joshua, Hoshi, and Wonwoo, but there were 4 new faces in the room. I counted everyone and realized that 2 people were missing; someone I hadn't met and my cousin, Jihoon.

"Yay! Iseul is here!" DK shouted

"What about us?" Jun and Jeonghan asked.

"No, you aren't important. Iseul, however, is very important." Minghao replied to his hyungs.

Jun and Jeonghan sat down with sad expressions on their faces. I sat down on a couch in between DK and someone I didn't recognize. The person I was sitting next to that I didn't recognize then said,

"I think we should all go around and introduce ourselves to Iseul. I'm not sure who she has and hasn't met, but I'll start. My stage name is S. Coups, but my real name is Seungcheol. I'm the eldest member and the leader of Seventeen."

His looks were very unique. I thought he was the second American until I looked at the person on his right. He looked like a young Leonardo DiCaprio. The celebrity look-alike then said,

"Hello, I'm Vernon, but Hansol is my first name, so you can call me either. I have been looking foward to meeting you!"

"Me too! Are you the other American member?"

"Yes. Please don't tell me that I look like Leonardo DiCaprio. I hear that too often, and it's not true."

"If you say so" I responded, still thinking that he looked like Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Iseul already met Jisoo and I, so you can introduce yourself now." Jeonghan said, looking at the person sitting on the couch to his right. He had chubbier cheeks and kind eyes.

"My name is Seungkwan, it's nice to finally meet you" he said politely, bowing his head.

To his right was Hoshi, who was mocking Seungkwan's little bow.

"Yah!" Seungkwan said, hitting Hoshi, "I do NOT bow like that. You're just making yourself look more stupid than you already are!"

Everyone in the room cracked up, and I asked,

"Is he always like this?"

"There's Diva-Boo for you" Hoshi said, laughing hysterically.

After a few minutes, everyone calmed down. There was still one new face in the room that I did not recognize. He then introduced himself,

"I'm Seventeen's maknae, Dino. You can also call me Chan."

"Whose baby are you, Dino?" Jeonghan asked, making the other members smile with anticipation, waiting for Dino's response.

"Do we have to do this, hyung?"


"Fine. I'm Jeonghan's baby"

"For how long?"

"It was until I was 30, but he recently changed it to forever. I will always be Jeonghan's baby."

We all started laughing. I didn't know for how long this had been going on, but I still found it hilarious. Then, someone walked in from outside the dorm, phone in hand. I didn't recognize him, but he was very tall with darker skin. He said,

"The pizza has been ordered and it will be here in thirty minutes. Jihoon called also. He will be running late and probably won't be back in time for dinner, so we should eat without him."

He then made eye contact with me, and said,

"You must think that I'm super rude, sorry. I'm Mingyu. Sorry that your cousin won't be back for dinner."

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