Chapter 16 ~ Confessions

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"We're almost there. You can do this, Iseul." Wonwoo said, walking quickly to the dorm and pulling me along. The rain was falling faster, soaking us.

I started panicking. My heart was racing, and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. It suddenly became harder to breathe.

We finally arrived at the building, and Wonwoo took me into our dorm. Everyone else was asleep since they were tired from practicing. Wonwoo sat me down on one of the couches and got me a towel from the bathroom.

"You can dry yourself off. It's better for you to stay out here since you can't hear the rain as much. I'll go tell Seungcheol that we're back, but you'll be sleeping in the living area."

I nodded, and Wonwoo quickly walked down our hallway and into his and Seungcheol's room.

Though it was as bit muted, the rain persisted outside. I wrapped the towel around my shoulders and curled up in a ball while waiting for Wonwoo to come back.

A few minutes later, Wonwoo walked back in.

"Seungcheol says goodnight and to stay strong. How are you doing?"

I couldn't say anything. I just got up, walked over to Wonwoo, and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped him arms around my waist and held me close to his body. We were both damp from the rain, so Wonwoo asked,

"Do you want to go get changed?"

"I don't have any clean sweatpants.." I mumbled. The rain made me feel cold, so I preferred to sleep in pants. I was just going to wear the clothes I had on to sleep in, but Wonwoo said,

"I'll go get you something you can change into"

I let him go, and I followed him back to his room. Seungcheol had fallen back asleep, so we walked lightly to make sure we didn't wake him up.

Wonwoo opened his dresser, and got out a pair of joggers, and an old t-shirt for me. He got joggers and a t-shirt out for himself too. Since he knew how much I hated to be alone during storms, we went into the bathroom together to change. Wonwoo turned around while I changed, and I did the same for him.

When Wonwoo was finished, I hugged him again. I wanted nothing more than to be close to him.

"Let's go make a bed for us, shall we?" He softly asked, pulling away from me.

I nodded, and Wonwoo led me out to the living area. I sat down on one couch, and Wonwoo pulled the bed out of another couch and made it.

He finished, and we crawled into the bed together. We layed on our own pillows facing each other. Wonwoo looked into my eyes while I was deep in my own thoughts.

The rain was to the point where we could hardly hear it. But, I was still thinking about my parents. I quietly whispered,

"I miss them so much, Wonwoo."

"I know you do." He said back, rubbing my hand to comfort me.

"They would've liked you a lot.." I mumbled, and he smiled a bit.

Wonwoo moved closer to the edge of the bed and gestured for me to lay next to him on his side. I moved over and laid my head on his pillow so we were close together. Our eyes were staring into each others. This was one of those times where nothing was needed but the other's presence.

I started to calm down. Breathing became easier, and my heart no longer felt like it was trying to break out of my chest.

"Thank you, Wonwoo" I whispered to him, letting a small smile appear to show my appreciation.

"I really didn't do much, Iseul. You did it on your own. You're getting stronger. I'm so proud of you." He said, smiling back at me.

"I wouldn't be doing this good if it weren't for you guys."

"You need to give yourself more credit."

My left hand reached for Wonwoo's, wrapping my fingers in between those on his left hand. I looked away since I could feel my face getting hot, but Wonwoo lightly guided my chin up with his other hand so I was facing him. Our faces were barely centimeters apart.

"We shouldn't, Wonwoo." I said, pulling away. I didn't want to, but I was afraid that we would get caught.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"The other members could come out here at any time.."

"Oh, I forgot.." Wonwoo glanced at the hallways to make sure no one was there.

"Should we say anything? Well, I guess we should figure out what we are before we even talk about that.." I started rambling.

"Iseul.." he interrupted, intensely staring into my eyes.

"I want to be your boyfriend. I want to call you mine and I want to give you all of the love in the world, because that's what you deserve."

My heart started pounding again, but not because I was scared. I squeezed Wonwoo's hand, and smiled while saying,

"You're too sweet to me"

I couldn't see him very well, but I could tell he was blushing.

"So, when should we tell the other members?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I should tell you though that Mingyu and Jihoon know that I have feelings for you.."

"They do?" I asked, curious as to what the situation was.

"Yeah. When I realized that I liked you, I went to their room to talk to Mingyu. We forgot that Jihoon was there since he was asleep, but he overheard. They're both fine with it."

"That's good. Did they plan that we would get to be alone together tonight at Pledis?" I asked, teasing Wonwoo about the suspicious planning of the evening.

"Jihoon said that he was going to invite you along anyways.." he started, avoiding my glance.

I snickered a bit at Wonwoo's excuse.

"I see. And were you planning on making a move tonight?" I asked.

"I've been wanting to, but I hadn't planned anything out. I was just hoping that something would naturally happen." He said sheepishly, still looking away from me.

"Instead I had to make the first move.." I said, teasing Wonwoo again.

"And were you planning on kissing me tonight?" Wonwoo asked, this time teasing me.

"No, but you were taking too long to do something. I was getting impatient."

"Ahh, I see.."

We both chuckled a bit, and continued what we were talking about earlier.

"So, when should we say something to the group?" Wonwoo asked, while tracing along my fingers with his thumb.

"You guys have such a busy schedule for the next week, so maybe after the concerts? I don't want this to be a distraction for anyone" I suggested.

"Yeah, I think that sounds good." He said.

It was getting pretty late, so we decided that we should go to sleep. I moved back over to my side of the bed and gave Wonwoo his space back. He squeezed my hand once more before letting go, and we drifted off to sleep almost immediately.


Just a shorter WonSeul fluffy chapter for you guys 😊


I hope that this garbage makes at least  one person smile and idk I suck at these types of things so I'll stop now..

'Til next time!

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