Chapter 20 ~ Perfect Night

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Wonwoo led me out of the dorm and onto the elevator. With the hand that wasn't tightly holding mine, he pressed the '7' button to take us to the 7th floor. He had told me about a balcony there with a great view of Seoul that he was eager to show me.

We got off of the elevator, walked down the hallway and went through the door to the balcony.

The balcony had several large chairs, all with cushions. Wonwoo sat down in one of them and pulled me down to sit with him. I curled up into his side, resting my head on his chest, and he put his arm around me.

"You did amazing tonight, Wonwoo." I murmured to him.

"Yah, you know that I'm not good at taking compliments" he replied, and he kissed the top of my head.

We sat in silence for a few moments until I asked,

"So, what did you mean when you said you were performing this song now so you wouldn't have to again anytime soon?" I asked, curious about the song choice for his solo.

"I chose a breakup song because it's a style that I've been wanting to try, but since I chose it, I have had a change of heart. I could've switched songs at the last minute, but since Pledis wanted me to do a breakup song, I went with it so I wouldn't have to sing a song like it again anytime soon. I don't want to sing breakup songs, Iseul, I would rather sing about joy people get from being in a good relationship.." He responded, his voice low and soothing. I felt his hot breath against my ear, and it made goosebumps appear on my arms and legs. Wonwoo saw that I had goosebumps, and proceeded to wrap both of his arms around me. I melted into him more, wanting to stay that way forever.

"You're so sweet, Wonwoo." I whispered, looking up into his dark eyes.

He took one arm off of me and instead softly traced along my jawline, stopping at my chin. He angled my chin up so our faces were close, and he softly kissed me. We pulled away so slowly that we could feel our lips separating from the corners into the center.

"Hey, you know what I've been meaning to do?" I asked him in a whisper, our faces only a few centimeters apart.

"What's that?" He responded, looking into my eyes.

"I should call my aunt and tell her about us."

Wonwoo smiled and gave me one last kiss before I stood up and got my phone from my back pocket.

I was going to make the call while standing, but Wonwoo shifted in the chair so he was sitting with his legs apart. He grabbed my waist and pulled me down so I sat in the space in front of him, between his legs. Wonwoo wrapped his arms around my waist and laid against my back, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I dialed my Aunt Lee's number, and the phone rang six times before she picked up.

"Iseul! It's been a few days. How have you been?" She said excitedly. It was so nice to hear her voice again.

"I've been good, Aunt Lee. How are things in Busan?"

"Pretty uneventful, actually. I'm sure your life is much more exciting right now than mine. How are the boys?"

"The boys are good! They are preparing for their comeback and the first two nights of their concert in Seoul are finished."

"I saw that Hansol hurt his ankle. How is he doing?"

"He's fine, but a bit angry at himself. He'll be healed for the comeback though, so that's good."

"I'm glad to hear that. So, what's new with you?"

"There is a reason that I called, actually.." I started, but my aunt interrupted,

"A reason other than the massive amount of love you have for your aunt?" She asked, trying to sound offended.

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