Chapter 24 ~ Arrival

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°• Iseul's POV •°

"Hey, Woo, can you grab the other corner for me? I asked my boyfriend.

We were changing the sheets on my bed for my friends from Busan, Min Jung and Sook, who were arriving today. I was going to be sleeping out in the living area while I gave them my bed.

Wonwoo grabbed the other side of the fitted sheet and helped to stretch it over the corner of the bed. Then, I picked up the top sheet and threw it across the bed so we could spread it out.

"How do your friends feel about spending a week in an apartment with a bunch of guys?" Wonwoo asked while unfolding the sheet.

"Sook is a bit nervous, but Min Jung is super excited. She thinks this will be a lot of fun!" I answered, amused with how different my friends were.

Sook had always been on the quiet side, and preferred to keep to herself. Large groups of people always made her feel anything but excited, but she loved staying in with only one or two friends.

Min Jung, however, loved to socialize with everyone at any time. She liked to go out and party more than Sook and I, and she was very popular with the guys at our school. But, despite her reputation, she was super responsible and she did really well in school.

Min Jung had actually been a fan of Seventeen for a while now, but she promised me that she would act completely normal around the boys.

"Well, I think this will be fun. Besides, they probably have all sorts of dirt on you.." Wonwoo teased me, smiling to himself. I balled up a pillow cover and threw it at him in response.

We finished making the bed and we went out to the living area to join some of the other members. Min Jung and Sook's flight wasn't supposed to arrive for another 2 hours, so I had some time to kill before Seungcheol and I went to get them from the airport.

When Wonwoo and I walked into the living area, we were greeted by Dino, Seungcheol, Hoshi, Hansol, and Mingyu, who were all sitting around and watching TV.

"That was a lot longer than 10 minutes.. wait until I tell Jihoon on you two!" Dino teased Wonwoo and I. I grabbed a pillow from beside Mingyu and chucked it at Dino, then I plopped down in the now-empty spot beside Mingyu.

"Okay, I think I need to establish some ground rules before Sook and Min Jung get here.." I started, earning the attention of the other members.

"First off, don't scare them. Maybe try to not act like you're on crack for a day or 2? Give them time to readjust before having jump-spin competitions down the hallways" I glared at Dino, referring to an event last week when he and Minghao wanted to find out who could do jump-spins the best.

"You do something one time and then you're the spinning lunatic.." Dino replied sarcastically, earning some chuckles and eye-rolls from the other members.

"Secondly, no flirting-" I started, before being cut off by Hoshi

"Says the girl who is dating one of the guys she moved in with.."

I sighed and continued,
"I'm going to ignore that comment. But, I think you guys get the point. Don't chase after my friends, Min Jung especially, because she already has a boyfriend."

"Don't worry about us, Iseul. We can handle ourselves." Mingyu said in response, and the other members nodded in agreement.

After an hour and a half, Seungcheol and I left to go pick the girls up at the airport. Since I was with an idol, the airport staff let me go right to the gate with 2 managers to pick up Sook and Min Jung. Seungcheol would stay in the van so no one would see him.

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