Chapter 15

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They take a short break on the beach by Narda, where Opheila plays in the shallows while Garza dives deep underwater, before moving on to the island of Vroengard. Harry doesn't know what to expect from the dragon riders' capital, the epitome of their entire world. They arrive after sunset, when the light is just burning out in the sky, the sand aglow with the orange light. It's the place where most people visiting Vroengard visit first, and Harry can make out houses along the edges, and something that looks like Occiten's dragon nest on the side of the mountains that occupy the entire island.

There's two girls waiting on the beach when they touch down in the soft sand. One's taller than the other, with blond hair and green eyes, and the other has deep blue hair. The shorter one lets out a little squeal and gives Louis a hug. "Louis, we missed you!"

The taller ones hugs him as well, and he introduces Harry. "This is Harry. Harry, this is Cara and Jade."

They greet him warmly, Jade forgoing his extended hand to give him a huge. Opheila nudges his leg, and he introduces her as well. "Oh, and this is Opheila."

Cara crouches down and reaches out a hand to her. "Hi, Opheila."

The little opal dragon watches her for a moment before nudging at her hand. "Hello."

Jade talks while Cara keeps playing with Opheila. "So, we'll get you some food, yeah? And then there's a few open caves you can sleep in tonight. What part of the island are you going to tomorrow?"

"Sunstar Bay. We'll go to Doru Araeba at some point, to get a sword and saddle," Louis says. Harry recognizes the name of Vroegnard's main city.

"Ooh," Cara hums, standing back up. "A few of my friends did training out there and they said it was amazing."

Jade starts leading them towards one of the buildings. "I made sure my dragon saved some of the hunt for you guys," she addresses Garza and points down the beach. "The stock is around the bend."

Garza nudges Opheila to follow and starts walking across the sand in that direction. Opheila stands there, though, and stares up at Harry. He can feel her panic through the bond. It's ok, you can go, I'll just be inside here and you can reach me any time through the bond, he says.

Her anxiety stews for a little before she quips, Not leaving you. She presses herself against Harry's legs, tail curling around an ankle.

Louis puts a hand on his waist gently, probably sensing the dragon's distress. "Why doesn't Opheila just join us for now? She's been in her egg for so long she's probably not anxious to leave you alone yet."

Opheila nods, eyeing Louis. Harry bends down and offers to carry her through the bond. She agrees, and he picks her up and rest her against his chest. She's still pretty large, but she lets out a happy sigh and rests her head on his shoulder. He sends her nice thoughts through the bond, and she presses her cheek to his, relief washing over her.

Garza seems to shrug and moves on down the beach, tail dragging a trail in the sand. Jade is watching curiously but just continues leading the way into the house. Cara starts talking about something and the moment of tension is broken, Louis' laugh filling the night.

Jade brings them inside, explaining that she lives here permanently, but her dragon prefers to sleep outside and she prefers a house, so she sleeps on the open porch to be next to him. They sit down at the table and they make conversation while Jade brings out food. Opheila is almost napping on his chest, breathe evening out. Jade sets the last of the food out and pauses, "Here, I have some meat I keep in here if my dragon gets lazy, Opheila can have some."

The dragon lifts her head at that, baring her teeth in a grin. "Thank you," she says.

Jade sets a plate out for her in the corner, and Harry snorts at how much like a reptilian dog she looks like. Shut up, Opheila says, which only makes him laugh harder.

They stay overnight in the cave next to Cara and her girlfriend, Annie. Annie is lovely, with a curling smirk and sharp eyes. She and Cara are adorable, curling around each other like it's the most natural thing in the world.

They sleep in the bed together again, and Harry makes the moss and hydrangea bed for her. Louis was right about magic doubling when your dragon hatches. Now that he's settled down a bit, he can feel the magic thrumming through his veins. He'd been growing even more flowers and vines and the like, a couple of vines curling up Louis' and even Jade's legs during dinner.

There's already a bed of flowers waiting for Louis when he joins Harry in bed. He laughs and says, "Is this your way of seducing me, H?"

Harry blushes, already willing some of them away. Louis rests a hand on his and frowns. "Aw, don't get rid of them. I've grown quite fond of them."

"You sure?"

"'Course I am. I like the white and pink ones the best."

"Yeah?" Harry murmurs, letting the magic pour out and fill the bed more with the sweet-smelling blossoms.

"Yeah," Louis repeats. They're laying and facing each other, Opheila curled up between them. Louis pets one of his curls back, resting his hand on his cheek for a moment. One of the light balls is hanging above them, and Harry can make out how soft his eyes are.

The moment's dragging on a beat too long when Opheila snorts and says, "Are you two going to sleep or just stare at each other all night?"

Louis giggles, covering his face with a hand. "Oh my god, Opheila."

Harry groans and flops his head back down on the pillow. Really? He sends her.

I've been here for a day and I already know you two need to stop mooning over each other and get on with it, she huffs, rolling her eyes.

Harry sends her back some choice curses and lets himself fall asleep.

1053 words

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