Chapter 18

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The next morning is torture.

That's probably a little overdramatic, but it feels like it to Harry. Opheila is still clingy, and whenever he and Louis get close enough to kiss she's always popping up. At this point, Harry thinks she might be doing it to spite him, but he can still feel her anxiety through the bond. He can't make himself tell her to stay away, so he just frowns at her every time.

"Alright." Louis stands up after lunch. "I think you're old enough to fly now," he addresses Opheila.

"Yes!" Opheila leaps up from where she was gnawing on a bone, flapping her wings out, the light catching and sparkling in the colored webbing. They're so big now they almost hit Harry in the face and she shoots an apology at him, although Harry's sure she's not too apologetic about it.

Garza snorts and noses at the opal dragon. "The best way to start is by forcing yourself into it," Garza says, deep voice grumbling through the cave. "It's hard to get the leap right when you don't know how to do the wing motions."

Opheila's tail sways from side to side in her excitement. "How do I do that?"

Garza bares her teeth in a grin. "Repeat after me."

The pitch black dragon takes a short run and leaps off the cliff, spreading her wings wide and catching the wind. Out of all the dragons he's seen, Harry's pretty sure she's the most graceful. She cuts through the air with a purpose, performing intricate twists, striking a harsh black line in the sky.

"Well, are you going to join her or what?" Louis asks Opheila, a teasing grin on his face.

She huffs, staring out at Garza. Harry sends her encouraging thoughts, stepping beside her and resting a hand gently on her scales. Come on, you got this.

She cocks her head, sending back an affirmation to Harry and stepping back. Then she takes a running leap, jumping out over the edge. Harry lets out a shriek as he rushes to watch her fall towards the rocks below. She opens her wings after a second, though, catching herself and stabilizing herself. The relief is palpable through the bond, and they watch her climb clumsily through the air towards Garza, wings adjusting to the currents as she learns how to beat them the right way. They're both yelling happily at each other through the bond, light words of happiness.

Harry's only watching her for a minute when Louis is tugging him back further into the cave, hand hot on his waist. He pushes him down on the bed and sits next to him, pressing his forehead to Harry's with his hands on his cheeks. Harry's mind is spinning with the suddenness of it, but he leans in, practically on top of Louis' lap.

Louis murmurs, "Been waiting forever to do this," and kisses him. It's everything Harry imagined, Louis' lips soft and hot against his, making his heart beat heavy in his chest. It's heady, but sweet. Harsh and eager, but gentle in a way that makes Harry feel delicate, taken care of. One of Louis' hands move into his hair, pulling it just a little and making Harry moan softly in his throat. Harry wants him to push him back onto the bed, let the flowers tangle in their hair as Louis pushes inside, wrecking him in their bed of blossoms. He can feel the petals turning a brighter red as their body temperatures rise.

Louis trails his lips to his neck, biting down and making him moan. "Lou," Harry breathes out.

"Yeah, baby," Louis breathes. He pulls back a bit. "Are you okay with this?"

"More than okay," he urges.

Louis nods and kisses him again, sliding his tongue in this time. Harry's not sure how it's both hard and soft, deep and shallow. At one point, he kisses down his neck, probably leaving a mark that'll last for at least a few days. Harry holds his waist so hard he might have bruises later.

Harry's not sure how much time passes before Louis is drawing back, leaning his forehead on his again. "Dragons are coming back," he says, just as the two are landing on the ledge of the cave again.

Harry stands up unsteadily, greeting Opheila who rushes forward and presses her cheek to Harry's. H, that was amazing, totally incredible. I can't wait to fly with you. I can take off from the ground now too!

Harry gives her a hug, flooding their bond with congratulations. Her head is just taller than his now, and he struggles to wrap his arms around his broad chest now. She pulls back after a moment, fixing her eyes on him. Why is your head all swirly?

Harry blushes, lowering his eyes. Of course she could sense his whirling mind through the bond. I'll tell you later, promise.

She nods deeply, saying that he better, but there's a knowing dragon-y smirk on her face.

Louis leads them through a couple more magic exercises, before they prepare dinner together and eat it out by the beach. There's a seal trying to soak up the last few rays of sun. Opheila doesn't bother them anymore, unless she's feeling restless and wants a flipper in her face. She'd offer to kill them for dinner once, and Garza had laughed at her and explained they had an obnoxiously thick layer of fat that only dragons way up north bothered with getting through.

The Bay is still the most beautiful place Harry's ever been, and he loves how warm the water is still as it brushes up against their feet during their meal. Garza and Opheila go for a swim just as the sun starts sinking under the horizon. Opheila's opal scales turn dusky and red-tinged in the light, while Garza's deep black soaks it up.

Louis leans back and takes Harry's hand, twisting their fingers together. "Can I tell you something?" he asks.

"Of course," Harry says.

"I'm kind of crazy about you," he says softly, eyes soft in the orange light of the sunset.

"Yeah?" Harry asks, scooting closer through the sand to him.

He nods, pressing his lips together. "Sort of since I first met you."

Harry feels his grin spread, and he lifts their linked hands to kiss Louis' hand. "I'm sort of gone for you, too."

Louis absolutely lights up, splitting his eyes in half and making his eye crinkles come out in full force. "Oh, well that's good."

Harry giggles. "Yeah, I'd say it's pretty good."

He kisses him then, soft and sweet.

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