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Four years later

"Rise and shine, sunshine. Today's the day!"

Louis groans, flipping onto his back. Harry is sitting on the edge of the bed, long curls tied halfway up in a pleat to keep it out of his face. He looks radiant, dimples already popping out on his cheeks and lips a sweet, soft pink. "Baby," Louis groans. "Five more minutes."

Harry shakes his head, eyes wide and eager. "Nope. C'mon, babe, I made breakfast and everything. Aren't you excited?"

Louis grins, pulling Harry towards him to press a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "'Course I am. You just kept me up late last night, you little minx."

"Had to burn off that restless energy, yeah?" Harry hums, giving him a proper kiss.

"Baby, my breath stinks."

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't care?" Harry laughs, kissing him even deeper. He pulls away after a second. "Ok, up and at 'em, babe."

Louis groans but slides out of bed with a pout. Harry slaps him on the ass on his way out, promising to have a cup of tea ready for him in the kitchen. Louis lets out a breath as he pulls on pants. It's overwhelming sometimes, how much he loves Harry with everything he has and how perfectly their lives have spun together.

They've been waiting for this day for so long, it feels like. Probably since the first moment they met and Harry tied them together with that vine. And four years, six matching tattoos, and one wedding later, they're finally ready.

Harry slides Louis' H mug across the table, taking a sip from his own L mug. "Alright, let's go what happens next."

"Again, baby? I think we've gone over this a thousand times."

Harry sets a plate with a perfectly cooked omelet in front of him, sitting next to him with his own. "Humor me, babe."

Louis rolls his eyes at him, an affectionate smirk on his face. "Anything for you, sweetheart. Okay, we go to the orphanage right after breakfast and work to pick them up. Then, we take her back here to the house and settle her into the room. I bought plenty of snacks in case she's hungry, just like you've been telling me to all week. We let her meet Garza and Ophie after lunch, and spend the rest of the day playing games and getting adjusted. Tomorrow, she'll meet Gemma and Anne, and then everyone else gets to meet her in waves so she doesn't get overwhelmed."

"And she starts school in the fall," Harry says with an absent nod.

Louis laughs. "Yes, but that's so far ahead we don't have to think about it yet."

Harry frowns. "I think I'm already sad to think about her leaving us."

"Aw, baby." Louis leans over to press a kiss to his cheek. "I'll be sad, too. But let's deal with that bridge when we cross it, yeah?"

Harry kisses him back. He knows that Louis will probably cry a river when she goes off to school. They're both already so in love with her, with her perfect, dark curls and wide brown eyes.

Louis pulls back and hums softly, hand resting on Harry's thigh. "We still need to finish up work."

Harry frowns. "Can't we put it off?"

"Baby," Louis giggles. "No, c'mon."

They live in a giant, open house on the island of Beirland, right on the eastern shore in a large town where a lot of their friends live. Most of the others ended up in the rest of the Southern Islands, which were inhabited entirely by dragon riders, and were only a short flight away. The group of them got together at least once a week, if not more.

Harry and Louis spend most of their time on Nia, though, a smaller island just off Beirland, where they run a farm that takes up the entire island and feeds all of the Southern Islands. They can see the island from their own home. It's a different kind of farm than the most on the main land of Alagaesia, though. It's wilder, with larger plants and more exotic types. Harry's managed to revive some of the dying species there, and the island is full of all sorts of wonders. Harry's particularly fond of the waterfall that's a little bit like the one by Sunstar Bay.

The island combines their magic perfectly. They'd worked on Vroengard for a little, with Louis working security for Doru Araeba and Harry working to revive and take care of the massive, abandoned garden of the city. Three years ago, they'd been asked to come to Nia to bring it back to top form, as it had become barren over the thousands of years of improper farming. Together, they've been able to bring it completely back to life to a point where it absolutely thrives. Louis holds a security position for all the Southern Islands as well, always keeping an eye out for rebels or other dangers.

Opheila and Garza love the island, too, and spend most of their time out there exploring, helping them keep it in top working order, or transporting the loads of food to the other islands. They've both grown close with their old and new friends' dragons, and Louis thinks Garza might be itching to lay eggs of her own soon, to pass on her line.

It's been an amazing four years, and as Louis finishes up checking the wards on Nia, he realizes that there's nothing he would change about it. Harry is everything he's ever needed. Their marriage isn't perfect, but they've grown together, always making each other their top priority.

They meet back in their home on Beirland, Harry's eyes bright and his dimples popping out. Louis kisses him deep again, and excitement is coursing through the bond like electricity. "Nervous, baby?" Louis asks.

Harry shrugs, pulling him into a hug. "A little."

"She's going to love it. I promise, H." He pauses, running a hand through his soulmate's curls. "You're going to be the best dad in the world."

Harry hums into his shoulder, swaying slightly. "I think that's you, actually."

Louis laughs, kissing him once more. "I think we'll share that, really."

Garza's nudging at the bond then, eager to set off. She's been restless lately, and Harry's starting to think there's definitely some truth to Louis' theory about her seeking motherhood soon. Her children would be incredible, he knows. Harry already feels bad for the unlucky sods who have to deal with Opheila's children someday. Knowing how strong her blood is, they'll probably come out just as stubborn and excitable as she still is today. God knows, though, he would never take another dragon over her.

As they hop on their dragons, Louis turns his thoughts to the beautiful little girl they're on their way to adopt. More than anything, Louis knows that this is what they're meant for – for raising their own little family. Life is about to get a lot more crazy for them, but this, him and Harry and their dragons and all the babies they're going to have, means absolutely everything.

He can see it – him and Harry raising a brood of children as large as him and his own siblings. Harry cooking breakfast every morning and Louis getting them dressed, checking to make sure they've done their homework. Taking them to Nia to play in the sand and climb up Opheila's opal scales to perch on her back. He can see it, and he knows it's going to be wonderful.

I love you, Louis says after they've taken off, their dragons carrying up in the sky side by side, black and opal scales gleaming in the sun.

I love you, too. More than anything, Harry says back, pouring love through the bond.

Louis' about to respond when Opheila pops in, letting out a snort as her opal webbing catches the wind. Louis catches her rolling her eyes. Are you two ever gonna stop being so gross together?

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