Chapter 17

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It continues the same way for a few days. Louis creates little challenges for them to work through, sometimes sending hints but always staying back to let them bond. There's another searching mission, a few where Louis gives them mental challenges and puzzles to work through, and various other challenges. Harry's grown quite fond of Sunstar Bay with all the exploring they've done. He likes the way there are always dolphins jumping and how seals will sometimes come up on the beach to sun, prompting Opheila to nose at them and get an angry flipper in her face in return. He likes how it's just them and Louis and Garza, how there's no one there to send them knowing looks when he stares at Louis too long and when he rests his head on his shoulder too long. He likes how they still share the bed, even though the cave has two perfectly good beds, and how Opheila had insisted on sleeping between them in the bed of moss and hydrangeas Harry's grown for her until she'd hit the size of a horse one day and moved to beside the bed. Their bond is stronger than ever, and Harry's taken to calling her Ophie.

Louis starts working their magic when he's satisfied with them so far. Harry's magic is definitely a lot stronger now, especially with how healthy their bond has grown. Louis teaches them more complicated spells and challenges that can only be solved with magic.

The most notable one is when Louis starts an avalanche on them. Harry's still not quite sure why that was necessary, but Louis had taken them to the top of the hill and instructed them to walk a while down before yelling at them to duck. He and Opheila had managed to stop the entire thing, even though Harry couldn't command stone and dirt as well as living plants.

Harry had huffed at Louis after that and refused to speak to him until Louis revealed that he'd found some sweet berries to make a cobbler of sorts that night.

Its morning now, and they're sitting at the edge of their cave and watching the waves break on the shore below. It's been a week now that they've been here, and Harry feels healthier than he ever has in his life. He and Louis are sharing one of the fruits they'd gathered yesterday now. "So," Louis starts, picking off a bit of the peel. "Garza should teach her how to hunt today."

Harry nods, watching Garza and Opheila where they're out taking their morning swim. "I'm not sure she'll let me out of her sights for very long. She's gets really anxious whenever we're apart, or even at the thought of it."

Louis takes a bite and passes it to him. "I know," he says. "I want to wait a little for her to get adjusted before you have a conversation about that. But, I was thinking. Why don't we go out to the waterfall, and they can hunt in those woods? That way, they're far enough out that they can actually hunt but we're close enough she doesn't get nervous."

"Alright," Harry says immediately. They haven't been alone since Opheila hatches. Opheila looks a little hesitant when they make their way down to the beach and Louis proposes the idea, but Harry hugs her neck and assures her that he'll be so close and she can check on them throughout the day. She huffs uneasily but agrees, nervous energy pulsing.

They gather snacks and take off down the trail, Garza weaving gracefully through the trees. Harry is amazed at how such a large creature can fit so seamlessly into the woods. Harry hugs Opheila once more when they reach the water fall, kissing her cheek and sending her soothing thoughts. He can feel her prickle of unease through the bond. You have to do this, you know you do, he tells her.

She agrees reluctantly, following Garza when she slithers into the woods. Harry remembers how Louis had explained that ground hunting was still vital to dragons, even though most preferred flying and diving upon prey, and being the more difficult skill, was taught first to young ones.

They're alone now, and Harry can feel his heart beat a little faster. It feels like it's been forever since he's been alone in Louis' presence. He loves his dragon, he really does, but he's been craving Louis' attention.

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