Black Mask

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I call everyone to come and they showed up in a heartbeat gathering in the office. I sat down at the desk and everyone was standing at attention. I explained their roles to them briefly so they could understand and we can get this job in motion. Everyone suits up and we start heading out to the vans with guns and everything we needed in hand. We sped to the Sionis Steel to take over it was gonna be ours. I can see my dad's smile now and hear his laugh which for some reason makes others tremble when they encounter him. I grin evily my adrenaline starts to course throughout my body with excitement. All of a sudden I let out a laugh everyone had a scared look on their face. I couldn't see the look on my face but my mom said,"Well I see you have your father's laugh and evil smile reminding me so much of him I miss him my puddin." My father comes and takes over my body for a second,"Hey harls hows it hangin" eveyones face drops as they see the change,"Puddin" "Yes doll face it's me". Mom immediately squeezes tight and a tear rushes down her face with my dad quickly wiping it. I let them talk the whole way to the Steel Mill. When we arrived I saw everything I had studied before including the guards placements. Me and dad decided to do this job together he used my sight and my hearing so we could take action. I take out two guards in silence so nobody knows we're coming while the others handled the rest. I start to find my way towards his office being cautious of guards or silent alarms. I find the door two gaurds stand outside and from my hearing sounds like somebody fucked up on their job. He was yelling and beating the living sh*t out of em. I took out the guards trying not to laugh at the way their bodies drop like rag dolls. I make my way to the door and everybody arrives behind me. It was a breif silence and then I bust through the door I see him behind his desk. I pull the trigger and the bullet lands in his chest as he flips out the chair. Everyone in the room was taken out we weren't taking any chances not even with a victim. I go over to Black Mask and I rip his mask from his face and shoot him in between the eyes to make sure he is dead. We get out quick before any cops or reinforcements make their way here. I also had a plan to keep it and make it mine Black Mask is no more. We get back to the ACE wearhouse and celebrate on a good job. Everyone had smiles lighting up the living room I went to my office for a breif moment to talk to my dad in private. We had our own celebration and we went back to join the others. I called my baby down she came and sat on my lap. I love her in my arms and cuddling with her,just being around her period makes me happy. She ride for me no matter what she my queen. Ill never put her in danger if anyone fucks with her in a disrespectful way,they will fucking die where they stand HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Selina and Ivy stayed over and slept on the couch with mom while Angel and I went to our room. Ain't nothing better than coming home her after a day of hard work or come home to her period is lovely. Can I get a witness out there...oh shit I broke the fourth fucking awesome. We layed in bed cuddled up I baby her. Thats my baby girl how could I not baby her she does it to me sometimes. When she acts like a baby it makes me melt and my heart gets all warm and shit. What villans have soft spots too just not as many as others. Fuck you stop judging me. It got interrupted by a phone call. I picked and answered it all I heard is someone say a corny ass riddle that I can't figure out. I simply pressed the fucking end button and laughed. Gone call me with a riddle fuck out my face. I got another call from him but this time it got serious. To be continued...

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