Bring Her Home

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Mom was missing it never takes her  this long and I know when something is off. I had to grab my keys and tell my girl meet me at the car. We sped off leaving nothing but tire trails and smoke behind us. I called everyone and ordered a search to find her. For hours we looked but nobody could find her. I was scared I could even here my dad getting messed up by it. I heard a voice in my ear saying,"I know where she is" it led me to Crane's hideout. Oh the surge of hatred I felt the flames of nothing but pure anger roll of my skin. Without I word I got out slammed the car door shut and went in. I didn't care if there were guards or not as long as I saved my mom. I saw a door and gave it a swift kick and Johnathan stood there with a gun to her head. My eyes turned black I could tell he saw my eyes change with terror washing over him. He shook and trembled but still kept the gun pressed to her head. Suddenly, the gun flew from his hand but nobody was there. I saw my body start to move towards him but I wasn't in control at all. I heard a familiar laugh in my head and that wasn't good my dad was going to kill him in the most brutal way. It was going to be done by my hands and the...everything went black. Somehow I woke up in bed and I saw my mother in the same position she was. Was I reliving the same day? Was it a dream? As long as my mom is safe I'm alright I won't bring it up. I continue as normal but I'm still shook by what happened. I need answers and soon some type of explanation. As I proceeded to let everything carry out the same way, it happened all over again. I was back in the same situation trying to rescue mom. I watched as he killed Scarecrow mercilessly making him die slowly and painfully. I can't help myself I break out in laughter with rage and a broken smile. You never fuck with my family or anyone who is close to me. If you decide ready for hell to come after you. No hesitation. No bargains. No reasoning. No forgiveness. I've been though so much I can't let it keep happening. Any threat will be eliminated for good. I'm getting sick of being taken advantage of no more emotions strictly business. I have these really bad murderous thoughts the drive me insane and then I want blood on my hands. The rush I get from all the adrenaline just excites me. Anyone who crosses my path and messes with anyone I care about better pray to whatever God they believe in, ain't nothing saving you from me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Learn to be wise because you never know what a person's true power is. I don't want anyone to be afraid of me but be afraid of what I can do if you make the wrong decision. Make sure you always think ahead and have a backup if it goes wrong. Be open to new and creative ideas because it can change your view or even give you multiple views. You can do anything you put your mind to, after all it is the strongest weapon and gift anyone could ever have. Back to the story shall we....We make it back home and I take mom to her room and lay her in bed. I lay next to her to comfort her and let her know she is safe. While I sleep my takes over watching over her through my body and talks to her to make her feel better. In my dreams I keep having nightmares and wake up feeling like my body is on fire. In my dream mom is captured but this time I didn't make it in time. She dies in my arms when I get there and the fact that it feels so real makes it worse. I'm not losing mom too man I can't not now, not ever. Instead of waking in the bed with mom I'm in a hospital bed with her trying to calm me down. She told me that I had been shaking all and losing control. She had been trying to wake me up but couldn't so took me to a doctor. This wasn't just any doctor because there were a lot of flowers in the room...Ivy. Ivy came in the room and called upon her flower Georgia and it coughed up what looked like some type of medicine. It created a medicine to keep me from doing that whole nightmare thing again. After we left I was pretty drained and just ready to get in bed. We get through the door and I automatically go to mom's room and lay in the bed. Mom comes to the room after taking a call and lays with me. All I see is black and everything is heating up again. I open my eyes and I can see mom, I try to talk but I can't. I attempted to move but I'm stuck in place. Suddenly, I see a dark figure appear on me trying to strangle me. I try to yell and move but can't  do a damn thing. I start fading and my vision goes black. To be continued....

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