Chapter 7: Wish

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The night seems endless because of the previous event. Botan was still in her enjoyment in the lake cleaning herself. Youko past by and threw a beautiful kimono to his captive priestess.

"After taking your bath, wear that clothes." Youko said coldly as usual.

"Thank you, Kitsune." Botan replied.

"It's YOUKO, woman!" Youko emphasize his own name for her to remember.

"And it's BOTAN as well." Botan do the same thing.

Botan was so amaze when she saw a very beautiful pink kimono with sakura flowers printed in it, and she couldn't believe that Kitsune possess such beautiful thing. She walks out from high lawn, catching Youko grilling the deer he hunts before. A growling stomach got his attention when Botan arrive.

Youko was so amaze seeing Botan clothed by a pink kimono he brought for her. He daze for a moment enjoying her beautiful appearance when he started to hear again a loud growl from her stomach.

"Hey, Kitsune, I'm hungry." Botan stated.

"Eat! And we will go back to the cave as soon as possible."

Botan seated beside him and started to eat their dinner.

"Why so soon?? We still have time to enjoy those beautiful stars in the sky." Botan happily pointed the sky.

"I'm tired and I want to sleep." He instantly snob Botan.

"Happiness starts from appreciating the little things surrounding you." Botan give him a warm smile but receive smirks.

"Would you mind telling me your wish??" Botan asked him. Youko swift his head from the woman.

"Why??" Youko returned the question.

"If your wish was different from your father's will, maybe I could do something about it as long as you leave the Ningenkai on its peaceful state. In the first place they are my priority." Botan explained.

"Are you started to trust this deceptive Yokai in front of you??" Youko look at her. "I can make a false story to make you believe in me." Youko added. "I can even kill you to steal the Jewel from you." His words pierce into her soul but as the same, no sign of fear from blue haired.

"How many times I tell you that if you kill me, the Jewel as well disappeared from its own existence." Botan pointed her word. "Are you really that prideful to decline my offer??" She added.

"I just don't trust you." Youko respond.

"Huh?? Coming from deceptive Yokai??" Botan tease him. "Unlike Yokai's, we humans have one word, if we promise we will fulfilled it as long as we can, as long as we receive respect and trust." She added.

"In other word you are willing to give your trust in me?? What a joke, Woman! You didn't even yet heard my desire and wish but you still wanted to give your trust?? That's why human are easily fooled." Youko respond.

"Because we humans are believe in natural kindness and love. Even you are a Yokai I still believe that there still kindness in your heart." Botan look at Youko's eyes with warmness. "And I can see it in your eyes, that kindness hidden in the depths of your heart." Youko avoided Botan's warm eyes before he melt from it.

"You didn't know anything woman." Youko respond.

"That's why I wanted to know, Youko. " Hearing his own name from her lips bringing more warm feeling into his soul.

"Then you must better to listen carefully." The silver haired Fox take a deep breath before he started his tale.

"I wanted to become human to fulfill my mother's last wish." The pain from his word has seen by Botan, she slowly put her hand into her mouth.

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