Chapter 12: Seal

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The heavy fogs that revolve them slowly disappearing exposing a blue haired priestess in the midst of them. Okami and his sibling look around to find a certain silver haired Yokai.

"Woman!! Where did you hide him??" Aka referring Youko madly.

"Bring him out! We are not yet done." Kuro added.

Botan forcefully lifting herself up and face the three furious Yokai.

"You're dying woman. Give up now the jewel and have a gentle and peaceful death." Okami stated.

"Not until I finished my task here." Botan answered almost faintly.

"Do you think you can still do things in your situation?? You're truly disappointing me, I though your strong but you are just a fragile priestess." Okami respond again.

Botan smirk while taking a deep breath and then a strong bond of wind inceptive in their surroundings

"What's now??!" Aka stand firm, so he won't wash out by the wind.

"You can do nothing WOMAN!!" Okami scream so loud.

Flower and its scent build up together with the strong wind. Okami make a few step to get close to Botan but a power that she let off was strong. She silently whisper her spell giving all her power and strength, the jewel emerge outside of her body releasing a powerful energy.

"Beyond this place of wrath and tears. Looms but the horror of the shade, and yet the menace of the years. Finds and shall find me, unafraid."

Big black shadow and blindly light collide together encircle the three strongest Yokai, and the wind flower with scent expanding outside the forest trapping the currently alerted underling's Yokais. Okami giving his all power to destroy the barrier that entrapped them inside but it was useless. The two younger yokai contribute their own power hoping to destroy the barrier.

"It's useless." Botan's body almost giving up from a strong energy she provides to create the barrier. Cuts appeared in her body and blood sizzle in it, she knew that her body will soon giving up but she must endure the pain a little longer.

"It matters not how strait the gate, how charge with punishments the scroll. I 'am the master of my faith. I 'am the captain of my soul."

A loud sound of a lyre reverberated the whole place giving misery to the Yokai's ears. Okami and his two siblings taste the punishment of the jewel, their sensitive ear bleeding from the sound of the lyre.

"C- curse you woman!!" Okami scream out of his lungs.

"This is your punishment, Okami."

Black shadow, blinding light, wind, flowery scent colliding together compressing every of Okami's Yokai outside the forest. The black hole appeared into the ground of inner forest pulling inside all of Okami's Yokais.

"Brother! We have to get out of here!" Aka panicky shake his brother.

"It's impossible, it--- was so strong!" Kuro respond.

A thick chain entwine within their body added to the suffering. Botan's wounds intensify but she felt so numb to react from it. Okami didn't want yet to give up.

"I will remember your name and your face!!!! Booottttaannnn!!" Okami scream her name and he manage to draw himself nearer, throttle her tightly. Botan look him in the eyes fiercely.

"S-E-A-L." The black hole rapidly closing, vacuuming the three once powerful Yokai inside, after that the place started to transform its appearance. The once big forest becomes a wide lake unthinkable that it was an abyss for a certain group of powerful Yokais.

Botan legs gives up, crashing her into the ground and her body started to vanish, when she opened her palms she found the jewel that lead her the power and curse in the same time. A force smile and tears can be seen in her face. She look up at the sky pulling up her hands to reach it.

"I don't regret it, Youko. I know it is the better way for you to live and I believe you will reach out for your desire." An uncontrollable sobbing consumes her whole being. "I still wanted to be with you, Youko. I still wanted to see you, to touch you and to smile with you. It was so sad here, dying alone. I wanted to be with you once more, I still wanted to reach you." Despair and sadness killing her slowly even though she knew that her injury was fatal and severe, but her soul slowly dying together with her body.

"Kami-Sama, if you would give me a chance to live again, I still wanted to see him, please kami- sama." Life slowly leaving her body simultaneously fading from Makai.

Her eyes gently closing and she's dying before her spirit leave her body she saw a beautiful line between the sky, and she takes it as answer.

"Yo-Youko." Her soul was crying for a name of certain silver haired Yokai fox.

Botan's dead body found in Ningenkai wherein front of the shrine. 

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