It's been almost five days since the confrontation between The Yokai Fox and Priestess happened, both of them are trying their best to leave the matter behind and no one wanted to open the topic again. Youko Kurama often left the certain blue haired alone in the lair. Botan giving her best to understand the feelings of Yokai and didn't want to force him to understand the same things as she does. From that night, Youko seems started to become soft to his captive priestess giving her what she wanted, when demanding to take a bath or go outside of the cave.
It was a serene morning when Youko letting Botan to hunt for her own food and a certain blue haired decided catches a fish for her breakfast and lunch as well. Both of them are silently busy in their own deed. No one wanted to spoke to one another, caution to open the still sensitive matter.
Botan concentrated herself to catch some fish for her breakfast. Youko watching her behind but a fatigue and exhausted started to consume him. He didn't even notice that his eyes started to felt heavy, sited beside the tree and quickly fallen asleep. Botan notice the Yokai soundly sleeping behind her in the tree, a smile draw in her lips. She saw him so many times sleeping in his lair but it never fail to amaze her in his angelic figure. Botan drop her fish tackle beside and she walked towards the Yokai.
"He seems exhausted to fallen asleep without even precaution in his surroundings." Botan lower his knees in front of him pulling aside his beautiful silver bangs but suddenly notice a wound from its forehead. "You're such an active Yokai, but at least take good care of yourself." Botan gaze Youko's beautiful face and she easily attract to its lips. She was aware of redness of her own face and her heart pounding so fast making her having difficult to breath. Slowly she move her face toward him, attempting to kiss him but before she completely make her action, an inch apart from his face she stops, covering her cheeks with her own palms.
"What am I doing!!." Her face was red like a tomato. "I cannot deny this feeling anymore.." she started to realize her own feeling. "Maybe I'am...." She stop again look at him. "Maybe I.."
"I l-love..."
"l-love him.." Strong heartbeat escape from her chest. "No!! I shouldn't love him.." "I- must protect the Ningenkai, seating aside my own feelings and wants." She stood up and makes her way to the forest without even thinking to look back at the sleeping Yokai behind her.
After minutes of slumber, Youko woke up with shock from losing sight of certain blue haired. Youko panicky look at his surrounding to have some glimpse of her but end up failing, briskly make his move to find his captive.
He didn't know what he feels, he was so panic, and most of all, that feelings that he cannot understand until now, he was so scared causing chill done to his spine thinking bad things possibly happened to her. What if his father catches her and kills her, and other Yokai attack her without enough power to defend herself even though he knew that she was strong.
"Why I let my guard down?!" Youko cursing himself from his own irresponsible
Youko was still in his frightened state when he heard a voice that familiar to her.
"Youko??" The Yokai Fox slowly turn his head to the owner of the voice. He was so relieve to see her captive priestess standing behind her. Mix emotions occupy his own being, he didn't know what to felt, angry for her to leave him behind, and fear to lost her but most important of all he was relieve to see her. Youko walk fast to her way obviously angry, he grab Botan's arm tightly.
"Are you trying to escape from me?? Remember this woman!!! You will never ever esca –"
Youko's word cut off when Botan pulled his hair and press her lips into his lips, Youko's eyes widen in surprise. After exact three second, Botan separate her lips from him leaving a surprise blushing Yokai, speechless.

Yu Yu Hakusho: The line between the sky
FanfictionDesclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. This is the story about Botan and Kurama's past. How they could face the fact about their past if it is hidden into the deepest of their hearts. A forbidden love that concealed by the time. A Botan and Youko Ku...