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Soon everyone had left your house. Then you were left all alone.

Being alone you had thought about all the things that happened today.

Why was Eddie acting so weird today?
Maybe he it's the time of the month?
Wait he is a boy he can't have a period.

So now things were weird with your bestfriend and you had no clue why.

-skip to the next week-

You and Eddie hadn't talked much since the "kissing incident" at your house. This was strange due to you two being practically inseparable for quite some time.

Thoughts of not having a friendship clouded your mind as you tried to do your homework.

After about thirty minutes of attempting- but failing to complete your homework you soon but your pencil down and raced to your bike.

Peddling as fast as you could to your , hopefully still, bestfriend's house. With courage you knocked on his front door only to be faced with his cruel mother.

"Oh it's you. You know, Eddie doesn't want to see you." His mother snarled at you.

"I can see that. I just need to talk to him about our homework. It's quite difficult and we all know Eddie is a star student. So please, can you let me in for a few minutes?" You pleaded with hopeful eyes.

"I assume so. 10 minutes. Then you are out. Got it?" She rudely stated.

"Got it Mrs. K." With that you raced to his room. Knocking on Eddie's wood door you heard him shuffle and open the door.

"Oh hey (y/n). Um now isn't a good time. Bye." He muttered not very happy to see you. He proceeded to shut the door in your face.

Holding your hand out you told him, "No, Eddie. I need to talk to you." You looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Fine." He huffed and let you in. You sat on his bed and awkwardly played with your fingers.

Nothing had ever really been awkward with Eddie. It was always so casual.

Not anymore.

I'm reallyyyyyyyy sorry for not uploading for months. My friend always reminded me to update but I never had motivation. I'm not really in the fandom anymore but I'm still going to update the best I can. Thank you for being patient.

All the love,

Mine {e.k} xreaderWhere stories live. Discover now