E P I L O G U E no. 2

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2nd person point of view
It had been 25 years that you were living in Portland, Maine. It had been an amazing 25 years. You were becoming an author and writing about a "make believe creature" when in actuality you were writing about your experience with Pennywise. The book was almost finished. You were titling it "IT" and it honestly spooked you out.

You hadn't talked to anyone in the gang other than Ava. Her and Richie had separated because Richie discovered that he, was in fact, very gay. You didn't know anything else about any of the other losers, but you had hoped Eddie was doing good.

You married a man named Kamdyn, but had separated when you were in your mid 30's. You were now 42, single, and owned a small dog named, Bubba. Life couldn't be better for you.

As you were writing your novel, your phone rang.

"Hello?" You asked into the small device.

"Y/N, you need to come back to Derry. It's happening again," you heard your bestfriend Ava rant over the telly.

"What do you mean?"

"It, Y/N. Pennywise is back. It's been 27 years. We made a pact, come back to Derry please. We need you."

"I'll be there." With that you packed as quickly as possible, and jumped into your car back to Derry. When you arrived to the restaurant that you were gathering at, you realized everyone was there.

"Holy shit," you and Eddie said at the same time.

i know i said no authors note but it's done!! thank you so much for everything. i love you all.

And for the last time

thank you,
destiny ♥️

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