E P I L O G U E no. 1

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3rd person point of view-
"How could you! I trusted you, and this is what you do to me? Really? It's really nice to see who cares," Y/N practically screamed at her boyfriend, Eddie.

"I'm sorry, but i swear to you it isn't what it looked like!" Eddie yelled back. The couple were having their fifth fight of the week. The pair just couldn't seem to get along like they used to.

The past two years were filled with love and occasional disagreements every two- three months. The past two months were non stop fighting.

"It's not what it looks like? Really? That's the most over used phrase in the book! If it's really "not what it looked like" then what was it? I'd really like to know."

"I was tutoring her, I told you that, and i guess she though there was chemistry between us because she kissed me! I swear i felt nothing between us. You just walked in at a really bad time. Right after you turned around I pushed her away. Please, you have to believe me."

"Eddie, I want to but it isn't just today that this has happened. What about Olivia, Morgan, and Bella? Those were the same things too? This is the fourth time this has happened and i can just forgive and forget again. It's not fair to me."

It was true, Y/N had seen him kiss three other girls. Each time was the same thing. He would tell her that she kissed him, she would forgive him, and then they would be okay. It was tearing Y/N down.

"Eddie, I can't keep doing this to myself."

"I know, baby, I know. I promise it won't happen again. I swear i'll be better, I'll do better for you, for us."

"So you're admitting it? It wasn't an accident? You purposely cheated on me?" Y/N wished she didn't have to say it but it needed to be asked.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. It's just that i've only ever kissed you and I was curious. None of them compare to you. Not even close. You my only one. Baby, i swear. Please forgive me."

For a second there, y/n almost did. Seeing tears pool in Eddie's eyes made her want to cry. She loved him more than she has ever loved anything, which is why she had to let him go.

"I can't, Eddie. I'm sorry, i can't keep ge tting my heart broken. I love you which is why i can't stay. We need to break up."

Eddie's whole world came down in one sentence. He dropped to his knees in front of Y/N. He grasped onto her waist and rubbed his thumbs on her stomach. He looked up at Y/N with tear filled eyes, then he rested his forehead against her stomach.

"Please don't leave me, baby. Please. I need you, I can't survive without you. You're my everything, I'm not me without you. God damnit, Y/N, don't leave me." Eddie looked back up at Y/N, feeling the most hurt he ever had.

"I have too. I'm going to stay with my aunt in Portland so you won't see me. Goodbye, Eddie. Take care of yourself. Treat the next girl right. Thank you for some really great years."

With that Y/N left. The pain she was feeling at this moment hurt more than anything she had ever felt before. She didn't want to leave Eddie but she needed to.

"Please don't leave, Y/N. Let's work this out. I'll do better, god please don't leave me."

Y/N turned around to wave and started to walk backwards. She didn't notice the lights coming towards her.

She stepped onto the rocky road and the last thing she heard was Eddie screaming her name and the blare of a horn. The car had hit her head on and Y/N was killed instantly.

No i'm totally kidding she actually just walked home crying. She told her mom her plans and Y/N left a week later without saying goodbye to anyone but Ava. She was really going to miss Derry, Maine. It served her well.

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