Ghost Hunters (Ianthony/Game Bang)

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It was a normal day at Smosh Games HQ but the day changes when the Game Bang crew gets sucked into Lugi's manshion

"Come on really!" Anthony said annoyed with the Wii and Wii U. The TV screen and Wii U screen were a plain white.

"What is it?" Ian asked. Anthony's heart fluttered at the sound of his crush's voice.

"O-oh the Wii isn't working." Anthony said.

"You probably did something wrong." Lasercorn said. Lasercorn was Anthony friend but at same time he hated him. Flirting with Ian even though Lasercorn knew Anthony liked him frist.

"Oh stop Lasercorn. This thing is old." Ian said. Jovenshire, Mari and Sohinki gathered around Anthony to help.

"Maybe you should turn it off and turn it on again." Joven suggested. Anthony pressed the power button on both machines but nothing happened.

"Great." Anthony mumbled. He hit a few buttons which caused the Wii U to shake.

"What's happening?" Mari asked, a little panicked.

Then there was sudden flash of white. The crew of Game Bang screamed as the lighg blinded them. The next thing they knew, they all fell on onto a wooden floor of an old hallway. Anthony was the first to fall, then Mari, Jovenshire, Sohinki, Lasercorn and Ian. Ian landed on top of Lasercorn (which made Anthony a bit jelous)

"Sorry Lasercorn." Ian said. Lasercorn shrugged.

"It's fine." Lasercorn said. Everyone stood up and looked around.

"Where are we?" Sohinki asked.

"I don't know. Ask Anthony he's the reason we're here." Lasercorn said, staring at Anthony.

"Stop it. It isn't Anthony's falut." Ian said, annoyed with Lasercorn's rudeness. A text box popped out with directions on it.

Stop the ghost with your light! If you stop all the ghost you can go home.

"Oh ok. Let's do this!" Joven said.

"GAME BANG!" They yelled. Each memeber grabbed a flashlight and a vaccum and ran off. Anthony creeped around when he heard a scream, which he regnoized.

"I'm coming Ian!" He yelled. Anthony spirted to the hallway Ian was in. But sadly Lasercorn beat him there. Ian was hugging Lasercorn tightly.

"Oh thank you Lasercorn!" Ian said, kissing his cheek. Anthony exhaled angerly. We all heard a woman-ish scream down the other hallway.

"I'll help you, Joven!" Ian said, running off.

"Beat you again, Anthony." Lasercorn chuckled. He ran down a hallway to help someone else. After a half hour of running around, getting out seemed to be hopless. Then once again Ian was yelling for help. Anthony ran faster then he ever has before. By the time he got there, Ian was laying on the ground.

"Ian!" Anthony yelled. He sparyed the ghost and it ran off. He took the vaccum off his back and ran to Ian. Anthony revived Ian and Ian slowly opened his eyes. Anthony sat Ian up.

"A-Anthony?" Ian whispered. Anthony held him close.

"It's ok Ian. You're ok." Anthony said, clamly. Ian crawled into Anthony's lap, wrapping his arm aroud Anthony's neck. Anthony could feel Ian trembling. Suddenly a ghost brust into the room.

"Ant!" Ian yelles, scared. Anthony ran over to his vaccum and sparyed the ghost. This time, the ghost was sucked into the vaccum. "Anthony you did it!" Ian yelled. Ian ran up and kissed Anthony passionly. There was another flash of light.

"YES WE DID IT!" Sohinki yelled.

"Yes!" Mari said. Ian pulled away and smiled at Anthony.

"Should we flim for real now?" Jovenshire asked. The crew agreed and they all sat and played. Anthoy reached down and intertwined his fingers with Ian's.

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