Telling Game Bang

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Ian and Anthony tell Game Bang about their relationship and they start asking embarrassing questions. {Reader request.}

Ian and Anthony stood in front of the crew of Game Bang and looked nervous. "What's up guys?" David ask. Ian looked over at Anthony. Anthony nodded slightly.

"We're gay and dating each other." He said. Mari, Josh, David and Matt looked at each other.

"We know." They said.

"What?" Ian said.

"It was kinda noticeable." Mari said. Ian and Anthony looked at each other.

"Oh ok." Anthony mumbled. They all exchanged glances.

"Any questions?" Ian asked. Josh raised his hand.

"I got one." He said. Ian and Anthony nodded. "Who gets it in the ass?" He asked. Ian and Anthony's faces turn red fast.

"Seriously?" Anthony asked. Josh nodded. Ian and Anthony sighed. Anthony Ian who blushed deeply.

"I knew it." Mari said to David. Josh and Matt nodded in agreement.

"So, not being weird but, Ian, how is Anthony bed?" Matt asked. Everyone stared at him. "What? Just wondering."

"He's....good.... I don't know guys you're making this weird." Ian said.

"Sorry. So, how long have you two been dating exactly?" Mari asked.

"About 2 years. But we've liked each other since we met. We were just scared of being rejected." Anthony said.

"And when did you guys start having sex?" Mari asked. Ian hid his face in his hands.

"After the first year." Anthony said. Ian shook his head.

"I-I'm done." He said. He walked out of the game room. Anthony looked at the others. They sighed. They all followed Ian.

"Look Ian, we're sorry for making you feel weird." David said. Ian shrugged.

"It's fine." Ian mumbled.

"Let's just start filming, ok?" Josh said. Ian nodded. Anthony put his arm on Ian's shoulder and brought him back to the game room with the others.

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