Chapter 2

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~Your POV~

The bus started moving and you all sat down and started to talk. Their first show was in Detroit, Michigan so you had quite a ways to go before you got there. You all just sat around joking and getting to know each other. You learned that Andy has a coffee shop in Portland, Oregon called Oracle Coffee Company. You decided to text Y/B/F/N.

You: Hey! I'm on the bus with them right now. It's amazing!
Y/B/F/N: OMG! You need to send me photos whenever you get the chance.
You: ok i will.

"Hey do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Pete asks. "Sure." So you all form a circle like you are at a middle school party. "Ok Andy truth or dare?" "Truth." "Is it true that you have something against people who eat meat?" "No. I just prefer not to eat meat since it's cruel how they slaughter the animals." " Ok Y/N truth or dare?" "I'll do truth as well." "Ok is it true that you have a crush on one of the people sitting in this circle?"

"Oh I may or I may not." "You have to give a direct answer! Those are the rules." Pete chimes in. "Be quiet Pete it isn't your turn. And fine. The answer is yes. I do." "WHOOOO??" Pete practically screamed at you."IT IS NOT MY TURN ANY MORE AND IT ISN'T YOUR TURN TO ASK ANYONE." Pete looked salty. You turned to Patrick. "Ok Patrick truth or dare?" "Uhhh dare." "Ok I dare you...To tweet that Peterick is real." You said with a smirk. "NOO THAT WILL MAKE THE FANS GO CRAZY!" "You have to do it. That's the rules." "Fine." He took out his phone and tweeted @Patrickstrump: Well guys, I guess @Petewentz and I are finally going to tell the truth. Peterick is real.. You responded @Y/T: @Patrick Stump @Petewentz I knew it!! My OTP!

"Can I delete this now?" "Yeah i guess." So he deleted the tweet. "Alright Joe. Truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to eat a whole slice of pizza in one bite." "That's how I eat pizza already so this should be easy." he got a piece of pizza out of the fridge and put it all in his mouth. "I don't understand how someone can manage to do that." You say amazed "Lot's of pizza and many food eating competitions." "Well that explains it." "Alright Y/N, truth or dare?" "Um I guess I'll do dare this time." "Ok I dare you to kiss Patrick." You turned red and so did Patrick. "Uh y-you know you d-don't have to if you don't want..." "Well I kinda do since it was a dare." So you leaned over and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "I MEANT ON THE LIPS!" "You didn't specify sooo." "Ugh fine." You thought you noticed Pete glaring at Patrick and when he saw you looking he smiled at you. That's a bit weird.. Oh well.

"Alright Andy, truth or dare?" "Well since everyone seems to be doing dares, I'll do one too." "I dare you to do 40 pushups in one minute." "Oh this is too easy." He got in a planking position and started to do the pushups. Pete was timing it. Within 30 seconds, he already had 35. He had done 40 pushups in 40 seconds. He wasn't even tired. "Geez Andy I can't even do one in a minute." you say laughing.

"Do you guys wanna do something else?" Pete asked. "Sure. What do you suggest we do?" You ask. "Well there is a karaoke machine here somewhere and we can hook it up to the tv." "YES I LIKE THIS IDEA!" Joe yells. "Uh you guys can play but I don't sing in front of people." You say. "Oh come on it'll be fun." Pete says. "Uh not for you guys. I don't want to hurt your ears." "I'm sure you aren't that bad and are actually really good." Patrick says. "Yeah come on. You can sing with someone if you don't wanna do it alone." Andy suggested. "Ugh fine. But who am I going to sing with?" "You can sing with me." Pete said. "Alright. So what do you want to sing?"

"How about 'Death of a Bachelor' by Panic! At The Disco" Pete suggested. "Ok." So Pete set it up on the tv and handed you a microphone. He started to sing the opening since it was really deep and you being an alto can't go that low. "Do i look lonely? I see the shadows on my face. People have told me, I don't look the same." You were surprised Pete was able to sing that low. You started to since since the next verse wasn't that low. 'Maybe i lost weight. I'm playing hooky. With the best of the best. Put my heart on my chest so that you can see it too." Pete joined in with you for the pre-chorus.

"I'm walking the long road. Watching the sky fall. The lace in your dress tangles my neck. How do i live the death of a bachelor? Oh oh oh. Letting the waterfall. The death of a bachelor. Oh oh oh. Seems so fitting for, happily ever after. How could I ask for more? Lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor." You and Pete sang the rest of the song with him doing the lower parts. When the song ended, you look over to see Joe and Andy both with their phones out.

"Umm what do you think you're doing?" "Recording you of course." "WHY?!" "Because you are really good and we want to send this to Brendon." Andy replies. Your face drains of color and you scream "WHAT!? YOU ARE NOT SENDING THAT TO THE BRENDON URIE!" "Too late already done." Joe says. "OOOHH NO THIS IS BAD!" "No it's not. You're really good." Patrick says. "Says the man with literally five lungs and a soul voice." Pete puts a hand on your shoulder and says "You were great and I'm sure Brendon will think so too." "Speaking of Brendon he responded." Joe says

"AHHH!" Joe reads the message from Brendon "Wow I think she sang that better than I did to be honest. Pete could use a little work though lol. But I need to meet her sometime. Maybe when you guys come to LA for the tour. You said her name was Y/N?" Joe replied yes.

"Oh my gosh. I cannot believe Brendon Boyd Urie thinks I sang one of his songs well even though I sounded like trash." "FOR THE LAST TIME YOU DID NOT SOUND LIKE TRASH!" all four of the guys yelled at once. "Ok geez." It was now 5:30 and the bus was stopping so you all could get dinner. You pulled into the diner's parking lot and got out making your way to the entrance.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now