Chapter 6

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~Andy's POV~

Pete and I walked across the hall and put the two passed out members on the beds.  "So what happened whenever you came home?" "Oh um well she was crying and I comforted her and uhhh well we kissed..." "WHAT?! THAT'S GOOD?" "Yeah I guess it is I mean that means she sorta likes me right? I mean you just don't go kissing people for no reason." "Yeah I guess that's true." I didn't want to tell him that she had feelings for him as well as Patrick.

"Well I might go back over there and see how she is. You might wanna stay here in case they wake up." You say to Pete. The truth was you wanted to see what Y/N thought and the reason she was crying. Pete had mentioned all she said was she was remembering things. I feel there was a deeper meaning. I walk across the hall and see her listening to music.

~Your POV~

Andy walks back in and I pull out my earbuds. "Hey." "Hi." 'So what's up? How are Patrick and Joe?" "They're good. But I wanted to know if you're ok. Pete told me you were crying and about the kiss." "Oh.. Um yeah I'm fine." "Ok. But what was the real reason you were crying?" "Oh um well I was thinking about stuff and I started to cry over Pete and Patrick fighting. I hate when people fight. Plus being alone by myself with nobody to talk to is dangerous. It lets me get lost in my thoughts and my thoughts aren't all that nice sometimes. "Oh I understand. So What was the reason for kissing Pete?" "Oh well I've already kissed Patrick and well you know how people say when you find the right person 'sparks will ignite between you when you kiss'? Well I felt that with Patrick and I wanted to see if I felt it with Pete. Well big surprise I did. And now i'm just real confused because I obviously like them both."

"Wow well this is a real predicament." "Yeah tell me about it. My whole life is a predicament." "Don't say that!" "I just did." "Well don't say that again." "Fine." After a few minutes Pete came back over. By this point it was 11:30. You decided to read. You ended up finishing your book and couldn't wait to go to the bookstore with Pete tomorrow.

You woke up to find Pete and Andy already up. They were both on their phones. "Good morning." Andy greeted. "Morning." You grumbled. You weren't much of a morning person. "How are Joe and Patrick?" "Good they both have headaches but they both took aspirin and should be feeling better in a bit. We were waiting on you to get up so we all can have breakfast together." "Ok. We can go down now." So you went over and got Patrick and Joe then walked to the cafe area. You decided to have a bowl of fruit for breakfast and that's what Andy ended up having too since the only other options either had dairy or eggs in it. You all sat down and talked. You talked about the upcoming show the next day. They went through the set list and it turns out they were playing all your favorite songs. You found it weird they were going to be playing '20 Dollar Nose Bleed' since it included Brendon Urie and you didn't think he was going to be coming to Michigan.

"Hey what time do you want to head to the bookstore?" Pete asked. "Oh um is 12:30 good? I'm going to need some time to get ready. And since it is 11:00 right now, it's going to take me about an hour to get ready." "Ok sounds good." You finished eating and you all went back up to the rooms. You started to get ready and so did Pete. He was done in about fifteen minutes where you had barely even started. You put on a bare of black jeans, a black and gray hoodie style shirt, and your black high tops. You decided to put your hair in a bun and put on some light makeup which consisted of eyeliner, a bit of eyeshadow, and some lipstick. When you checked the time it was 12:00. You walked back out of the bathroom and Pete said "Wow you look great." You shrugged. "I need to look at least a little bit of decent if I'm going to be going out in public with a celebrity." "But you always look decent." "That's a lie and you know it Wentz." "I'm not lying." "Whatever let's go."

You walked out of the hotel and towards the direction of the bookstore. About halfway there, Pete slipped his hand into yours. This made you blush profusely. "Are you ok?" He asked noticing your red face. "Oh uh yeah I couldn't be better I mean I'm walking to one of my favorite places with a member of my favorite band. Of course I'm alright." He laughed a bit and you continued walking.

In about 10 minutes, you had made it to the bookstore and walked in. The smell of paper hit you and you felt at ease. Books always made you relaxed. You walked back to the Harry Potter section. J. K. Rowling had just released another book and you wanted to read it. It was a spinoff of the books and it was about the founders of Hogwarts. "Is reading the only thing you ever do?" "Actually, no. The only things I do are read and listen to music." "Oh wow because that is so much different." He said with a sarcastic tone but was smiling all the same. "Hey just let me live my sad and uneventful life in peace." He laughed and you went to look for more books.

You got a few poetry books along with Dan and Phil's new book. You bought the books and you ended up spending about 80 dollars. This was normal for you though so you didn't worry. You set off to look for Pete in the store. You eventually found him looking at "The Hunger Games" series. "Hey. I'm ready to leave if you are. Also I didn't know you were into "The Hunger Games" series. "Oh yeah I really like it." "Same." Pete had some books so he checked out and you walked back to the hotel. When you got there you immediately pulled out Dan and Phil's book and started reading. Pete noticed the book and said "Hey you know we met Dan and Phil and did an interview for them one time."

"Really?" "Yeah they are really cool. I feel you would get along great with them." You sighed. "Yeah but the only problem is, I probably won't ever meet them." "That can be arranged." You stared at Pete in amazement. "You would do that? They live all the way in Europe though!" "Yes but there are such things as planes." "But Pete I don't have money." "But I do." "No I will not let you buy me a plane ticket for London! I would never be able to make it up to you." "You wouldn't have to." "Yes I would! You are not buying me a plane ticket and that is final." "Ok whatever you say.."

You went back to reading. You got a text from Patrick saying he wanted to take you somewhere. You put down your book and said you would be ready in a few minutes. All you had to do was fix your hair and makeup again. Once you were finished, you walked over to Patrick's room and knocked on the door.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now