Chapter 9

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"I need more dreams, and less life. And I need that dark in a little more light. I cried tears you'll never see. So fuck you, you can go cry me an ocean. And leave me be." As soon as he started, your anxiety washed away. You started to sing then.

"You are what you love, not who loves you. In a world full of the word yes, I'm here to scream." Patrick joined you for the chorus. "No, no, wherever I go, go, trouble seems to follow. Only plugged in to save rock and roll, rock and roll. No, no, wherever I go, go, trouble seems to follow. Only plugged in to save rock and roll."

Patrick sange the next verse and you switched back and forth but joined together during the chorus. When you both sang the last note, Pete, Joe and Andy all clapped. They came and engulfed you and Patrick in a hug. "That was amazing!" Pete said. "It really was! I think the fans will love it!" Andy said. "Thanks guys." You said. "Well we should get backstage and you should go to you seat. The fans will start coming in any minute now." Joe said. "Ok good luck guys!" You say giving them each individual hugs.

You walked down the steps and to your seat. You had front row seats of course. Fans started to pour in the venue and you smiled. You were once like them, so excited to go to a Fall Out Boy concert to see your idols. And now you were touring with them. It just goes to show that dreams do come true at times. Your phone buzzed and it was a text from Pete.

Pete: Hey I justed wanted to say watch out for the crazy fans. Like the ones obsessed with like me or Patrick.
You: sooo beware of myself?
Pete: wot?! You're obsessed with me?
You: haha I mean does listening to you guys 24/7, knowing every lyric to every song, having your birthdays memorized, and screaming in public whenever one of your songs come on randomly count as obsessed?
Pete: Naahhh I mean maybe a bit but you know I'd be obsessed with me too ;)
You: Well i wouldn't get too full of yourself Wentz, I could tell some fangirls your phone number and let you deal with the constant marriage proposals ;)
You: That's what I thought. Well you better pay attention and focus on performing.
Pete: Ok fine. I'll see you in like 10 minutes. You: Ok.

A few moments later, Machine Gun Kelly came on stage for the opening act. He did really well and he performed for about a half hour. You watched as numerous crew members started to rearrange the stage to get it set up for Fall Out Boy. After about 20 minutes, a countdown timer came on the screen saying ten minutes until Fall Out Boy comes on stage.

The fans were starting to get excited. This one girl in particular that was next to you, was practically shaking with excitement. She was younger and you were guessing it was her first concert. "Who is you favorite member?" You ask her "Well it's between Pete and Patrick. I love them both!" "I can relate." You say with a sigh because you were not sure how you were going to be able to choose between them when the time came.

Screaming broke you from your thoughts. You looked at the clock and saw what caused the screaming. There was a minute until they came on stage. Finally, the clock ran out of time and the screaming intensified tenfold. The opening to 'Young and Menace' started.

"We've gone way too fast for way too long." Patrick sang. You sang along with the rest of the fans. The time seemed to fly by as they went through song after song. The next thing you knew Patrick was saying "Ok so the next song is going to be special. We have a special guest that is going to perform with us. So Y/N, would you please come up here?"

You walked up the stairs and on stage. The fans clapped and you stood at the second microphone stand. "So this is our good friend Y/N and she is currently touring with us. And today she is going to perform 'Save Rock and Roll' with us. So without further ado, 'Save Rock and Roll'!" Pete said.

As the music started your anxiety skyrocketed. Patrick noticed and leaned over and whispered in your ear "It's ok, just focus on me and everything will be fine. It's just like soundcheck." You nodded and then Patrick started singing. Just like before, his voce relaxed you and you were able to sing. You finished the song and the crowd exploded with applause. Patrick whispered in your ear again "See I told you they would love you. You were amazing as always." You smiled and the guys all joined you and Patrick at the front of the stage. You put your arms around each others shoulders and bowed. "Thank you all so much for coming! We hope you enjoyed the concert and had a great time. Goodnight everyone!" Pete said and you all walked off stage together.

"You guys were great!" You exclaimed once backstage. You screamed as Pete picked you up and spun you around. "YOU WERE AMAZING HOLY SMOKES!" "PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ III PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" "NOOOO NEVERRR" "YESS PLEASE." "FINEE!" He set you down but then you were attacked by Joe and Andy. Then Patrick gave you a hug and wasn't as obnoxious as the other guys. "You need to sing with us at every show now. The fans loved you. You can even sing more songs with us if you'd like."

"I wouldn't want to make the show all about us though. The fans came to see you guys, not Fall Out Boy plus Y/N." "Then how about you sing two more songs with us at the end. So you will sing three songs with us." "I guess that could work." "YAY!" they all shouted and hugged you again. You laughed and said "Well you guys should go change and we should go to the bus because we have to head to Pittsburgh now!" "Good idea." Andy said sprinting off to the showers." "Hey come back! You got to shower first last time Andy!" Pete said chasing after him. Joe then joined in too. "I have more hair to wash  than both of you combined so I should get to go first!" You laughed watching the three boys chase each other.

You looked over at Patrick "Aren't you going to go join the fight?" "Nah I like to keep the peace and also, I don't sports sooo." You laughed. "I used to play sports all the time." "Really? Which ones?" "Softball and Basketball. I also did marching band. Not gonna lie, I miss softball and marching band a lot sometimes." "That's awesome! I wish I was talented enough to make a sports team." Patrick said. "Patrick, you may not be good at sports, but you are one heck of a musician." He gave a weak smile

"Thanks but I could definitely do with some improvement." "Patrick, I think you are perfect the way you are. I love how you sing with such passion and you have a strong love for music. I wouldn't want you to change for anything." "Thanks Y/N." "You're welcome Patrick." You kissed him on the cheek and then walked off to your dressing room.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now