Chapter 8

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"I'll leave so that Patrick and Pete don't ruin their friendship over me. I'm not worth it." "No you are not leaving. That will make things worse. Patrick and Pete will both go into a state of depression if you leave. They will blame themselves and stay locked in their rooms then. They won't even perform. What I think you should do, is go to dinner with the both of them. Tell them you are confused and have feelings for both of them. You just don't know who you like more. Tell them you need time."

"Ok I guess I can do that. I definitely don't want them to miss shows just because of me." "Well then are you ready to head back to the hotel? After all, there is a show tomorrow and you're going to want to get some sleep." "Yeah let's go." You and Andy walked back to the hotel. As soon as you set foot in the door and Pete and Patrick saw you, they instantly launched into apologizing.

"We're so sorry we didn't mean to make you upset!" "We really are sorry! We regret how we made you feel!" "We wish we could go back in time and fix this." "GUYS!" You yelled cutting them off. "It's fine. I forgive you. It's just that whenever people fight I have a panic attack. I'll be fine. Don't dwell on it. You have a show tomorrow and if you guys aren't your usual happy selves, the fans will notice and question it. Don't beat yourselves up over it. Please."

They looked down in shame but agreed not to dwell on it. "Well I suggest we all go to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow." Joe said after a few seconds of silence. "I second that." Andy said. So you all got changed and Joe and Patrick said good night then walked across the hall to their room. "Good night everyone." You said as you laid down. "Goodnight." As soon as your head hits the pillow, you were fast asleep.

~The Next Day~

You all woke up and got dressed. You wore a black Fall Out Boy shirt with all black converse and black skinny jeans. The concert wasn't until 7:00 but the guys needed to do a sound check and set everything up. You walked out of the bathroom and the guys were all ready. "You ready to go?" "Yeah as ready as I'll ever be." Patrick had told the rest of the guys about his idea of having you perform 'Save Rock and Roll' with them and they all loved the idea. So you kind of had to do it so they would stop bugging you. You all got onto the bus with your bags. You would be heading to Pennsylvania right after the concert.

You all sat down and the bus started moving. Within a few minutes you were at the venue. You helped the boys unload all the equipment and bring it inside. It took about an hour to set everything up. They boys didn't need to do a sound check until an hour before the concert so you guys had plenty of time to hang out. You had your own dressing room since you would be performing as well. You decided to head there and just hang out in there.

You wanted to be alone for a while. After 20 minutes of scrolling on instagram, there was a knock at the door. "Come in." You said. The door opened to reveal Patrick and Pete. "Hey." Patrick said giving a small wave. "Hi." You put down your phone and they came in. "So we just wanted to talk to you." You knew what this was probably going to be about. "Guys I thought we agreed not to dwell on it." "We know and we aren't. We just wanted to say that we know that you like us both. We understand that. But later on, you will have to choose between us. And we both agreed that no matter who you choose, we would be happy for each other and not let it ruin our friendship."

"What we care about the most is that you are happy. We both want you to find happiness." You sighed. "I knew it would come down to this. I'm happy you guys are still going to be best friends. I didn't want to tear you apart. If it was going to ruin your friendship then I was going to leave." "We don't want that. We just want the best for you. We both care so much." Patrick said. "I know. I'm just not ready to decide yet." "We know. You can take 5 years if you need to. We will wait." Pete said. "Ok thank you." Then Andy walked in.

"Guys we need to sound check now." "Ok. You should come too Y/N. We are going to run through 'Save Rock and Roll' before it's time to start the concert. You all head onstage. You sit on one of the speakers since they were going to run through a couple others before 'Save Rock and Roll'. The familiar baseline to 'Dance, Dance' started. Pete sounded great. You loved the baseline so much.And then Patrick started to sing He sounded amazing as always. When he got to the lyrics 'So why don't you show me little bit of spine, you've been saving for his mattress, love." He made the heart in the air like he always does on the word 'Love'. You smiled. The song ended and they started to sing 'Sugar We're Going Down.' This was one of your favorite songs. You softly sang along. When it got to the 'Wishing to be the friction in your jeans' Pete did his salute like always. You tried to contain your excitement because it was always one of your favorite parts. You accidentally let out a squeal and you think Joe heard you because he turned around and smirked at you. You blushed a deep crimson color. You need to learn to control your inner fangirl. The song ended and Patrick came and grabbed your hand pulling you up to the second microphone.

You instantly get nervous and started to shake slightly. "Hey it's ok. You're amazing." Patrick said giving you a reassuring smile. You looked over at Pete and he nodded and smiled his amazing smile. They started the intro to 'Save Rock and Roll' and Patrick started singing.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now