Chapter 13

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~Your POV~

You had practiced singing with Patrick and you guys sounded good. The guys were excited to have you perform with them again. After you finished practicing, the guys decided you should go out to eat. So with you and Pete still sporting your 2005 looks, you headed to a restaurant. You got stopped by multiple fans on the way who wanted pictures. You all ordered your food and ate. You had a few people give you weird looks but you didn't mind. 

Before you knew it, it was time for the concert and the guys had already run through sound check. You had practiced your three songs with them and felt pretty confident in how you were going to perform. The next thing you knew the boys were on stage going through their set list. When there was about 30 minutes of the show left, Patrick called you onstage and you sang your three songs. When you had finished 'Save Rock and Roll', which is your last song, you were met by an uproar of applause. You smiled and hugged Patrick before taking your bows.

You guys all walked off stage and you were enveloped in a big group hug. "We did it! And they loved you!" Patrick exclaims. "Yeah I guess they did giving the LITERAL TIDAL WAVE OF NOISE AT THE END! I'LL PROBABLY BE DEAF IN A FEW SECONDS!" Everyone laughed and headed to the dressing rooms to change. You went to your room and changed quickly into something more comfortable. You got a text from Y/B/F/N when you were finished.
You: I'm sorry! I just got so caught up in things and I didn't really have time to text anyone. But thanks and I really doubt I was better than Foxes in it.
Y/B/F/N: Well I mean you were pretty great.
You: Thanks.

There was a knock on the door then.

You: Well I have to go. Talk to you in a bit. Y/B/F/N: byeee.

The person behind the door happened to be Pete. He smiled "Hey we're gonna be leaving soon." "Ok thanks Pete! That was unintended i swear." You both laugh. "That's one of the many things I love about you. Your sense of humor. You can make almost anyone laugh." "Thanks. You have a good sense of humor too. But people need to actually get to know you before they get some of your jokes." He laughed. "I guess that's true. Well are you ready to go?" You break out into song given the opportunity. You sing 'Ready To Go (Get Me Out Of My Mind) by Panic! At The Disco. "I'm ready to goooooo! Get me outta my mind, get me outta my mind!" Pete laughs and you walk out to the bus together.

You see Patrick and walk up silently behind him and take his fedora. "Excuse me, Miss but i think you may have something of mine." "Oh really?" You say placing the fedora on your head."Yes I believe that is my fedora you are wearing." "Is that so? Prove it." And then you were running with Patrick chasing you.

Memories from softball came back to you. You had just hit a home run and you were running around the bases then sliding into home plate. You really did miss those days. You stopped to let Patrick catch up. You didn't realize you were pushing yourself to go as fast as you could like you always did in softball. "Geesus you are really fast." Patrick said when he finally caught up to you. "But you really do look cute in my fedora." "Aw thanks." You kissed his cheek and said "Well I assume we should go back to the bus. I didn't realize I was running this far. Memories from softball came flooding back to me as I ran and I got caught up in them. I really do miss it a lot sometimes." "I'd imagine you would."

You then started to walk back to the bus. "I think you got faster since we raced each other from the park that time!" Andy said. "Well then I'm going to have to race you again." "Yep. We can race Brendon too whenever we get to LA. The guys like a freaking spider with how long his legs are." You all laugh because it really is true. You still couldn't get over the fact you would meet Brendon Boyd Urie though. It all seemed so unreal.

~Time Skip To LA~

After performing numerous shows, you finally made it to LA. It was beautiful. Palm trees were everywhere along with pretty flowers. You arrived at your hotel and this time you were rooming with Pete and Patrick. Once again the rooms were joined so Andy and Joe were just a door away. After getting everything in the rooms, Joe suggested you guys go out to eat. You all agreed because you were all starving. The boys all looked at each other like they knew something you didn't. You didn't dwell on it and thought it was just something stupid.

You made it to the restaurant and you got a booth. Patrick was on his phone and when he looked up he smiled at you. Then a guy walked up to you guys. "Hello my name is Brendon and I will be taking care of you guys tonight. So what can I get for everyone?" You practically screamed. "OMG BRENDON URIE! IS THIS FAKE? SOMEONE PUNCH ME!" "I won't pass up on that offer." Joe said smirking then hitting your arm. "ITS NOT FAKE? OK PEOPLE MOVE!" you practically climb over everyone since you were in the middle of the booth. You get out and almost fall in the process but Brendon manages to stop you.

"Easy there." He said smiling. You couldn't do anything but stare at him and you tried to stop the squeal that was coming, but failed. "I've been listening to your music for so long and you have helped me through so much. I have wanted to meet you forever. I'm sorry I'm being a total fangirl right now. I should probably shut up because I'm rambling." "It's ok. I found it cute." He smiled at you and then pulled you into a hug. He smelled great. What is with it and all these band member smelling amazing? Like seriously.

You pulled away from the hug and then climbed back over everyone and Brendon sat down on the end of the booth. You thought Pete and Patrick were glaring at him but you couldn't be sure. You all ate and had fun. Brendon wanted to know more about you and how long you have been singing and playing instruments etc. Once you paid for the meal,(the boys insisted on paying) you all went back to the hotel. Brendon would be rooming with Andy and Joe. "Tomorrow is going to be amazing!" Brendon squealed. "What's tomorrow?" you ask. "Now that is for you to find out." Pete says with a mischievous smirk. "I'm scared." "Don't be. You are gonna love it. I'm the one who planned it." Patrick says. "Ok that makes me feel better." Everyone laughed.

You were really curious as to what was happening tomorrow. You fell asleep running the countless possibilities in your head.

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