Chapter 15

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After a while of sitting out in center field, you all headed back to the bus planning on going out to eat and then going back to the hotel. Hayley, Josh, Tyler, and Ryan already had a room. You decided to go out for pizza and you sat at the restaurant talking about anything and everything. You and Hayley were starting to become good friends. When you were back on the bus, the guys were watching a basketball game on the TV. You and Hayley headed back to the bunk area. "Sooo I feel like Patrick likes you." Hayley said. You sighed. "He does. The only problem is, so does Pete. And I like them both equally and I don't know what to do." You begin to tell her everything from how they fought, to how they agreed to not fight anymore. You even told her about how they were starting to glare at Brendon. The whole time she sat and listened and nodded at times. "I'm just so confused." you said quietly. "I understand. The best advice I can give your right now is to follow your heart. There will come a time when the answer to who you like is really clear and then you can make the decision. Your heart is the most reliable thing to use for making decisions." "Thanks Hayley." You gave her a hug and then you guys arrived at the hotel.

You all pile out and into the hotel. "Wanna go to the pool and hang out?" Ryan asked us all. "That sounds great." you say. So everyone goes to get changed into bathing suits and stuff then you all make your way to the indoor pool. When you got to the pool, Pete pushed Ryan in. Then Pete got pushed in by Patrick. You and Hayley were standing back watching it all unfold while laughing. Then suddenly, someone grabbed you around the waist and whispered in your ear "Well hello there, you look like you could use a nice swim in the pool." you look back and see Pete behind you his hair over his eyes since he had already been pushed in. He lifted you up and jumped in with you in his arms. When you resurfaced, you screamed "REE PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ III I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!" "CrankThatFrank who?" Brendon said referring to me reeing. "You watch Frank too?" "Of course. He's hilarious." "I know right!" Hayley was dragged into the pool as well. After everyone was in, you guys had a great time.

You all trekked back up to the rooms and Brendon randomly said he wanted a baked potato. He called room service and ordered it. "I think you have a potato fetish or something. You stabbed one in the 'Say Amen (Saturday night)' video and now you ordered one." Joe says to him. "Hey, leave me alone. I just really like potatoes." The potato arrived and Brendon stabbed it with the knife just like he did in the video. Then an ear splitting scream issued from somewhere in the room. "REEEEEEEEE" Then, you don't know how, but Frank Gioia burst from the closet with his broken blinds hanging around his neck. "I THOUGHT I SAID IN MY LAST VIDEO I DO NOT STAN POTATO ABUSE!" Frank screamed. "Frank? How did you get here and why were you in the closet?" you asked. 'Um well Brendon posted a photo of you guys at the softball field and since i live in LA i knew where it was and guessed you were staying at the closest hotel. I also heard Ryan Ross was here and I needed to come as quick as I could. Who are you by the way?" "I'm Y/N. I won the contest to tour with Fall Out Boy." "So you're the emo rat who stole my chance to hang out with my idols." "Uh yeah I guess." "Well congratulations. I guess I get to meet everyone now though so it's cool." "I watch your videos and think you are hilarious." Brendon said. Frank about passed out right then and there. "Y-you watch my videos?" "Yep." "Oh my gosh. The forehead king watches my videos." Brendon laughed as did everyone else. "This is honestly one of the best days of my life. Can I get autographs?" "Of course." So everyone gave him their autographs. "You know people call me the Walmart version of Brendon Urie?" "Yeah didn't your girlfriend say to find you in the clearance aisle?" Frank laughed. "Yeah she did. Speaking of which, I should probably go home before she thinks that I'm attempting to kidnap you guys.." "Byeee" And then he left. "Well that was unexpected and slightly disturbing but Brendon, honestly, stop the potato abuse." you say to him. "Finnee" After that you guys just kind of hang out.

It turns out that Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco, and Paramore were gonna start touring with Fall Out Boy as well. So now you could get to know everyone better and become better friends with them. They had a concert tomorrow and now Brendon was going to accompany you and Patrick in singing '20 Dollar Nosebleed.' It was going to be great.

*Time skip to after the concert*

The concert was amazing as usual. All the bands performed and the fans went crazy when you, Patrick, and Brendon sang '20 Dollar Nosebleed'. You now were all watching a movie in the one hotel room. You had become closer with everyone. Hayley was like your sister and Brendon, Ryan, Tyler,Joe, and Josh like your brothers. Andy was the mother of the whole group earning him the name Mother Hurley. And then Patrick and Pete were the ones you liked and couldn't choose between. Everyone knew about the predicament and told you the same thing Haley did, "follow your heart". You fell asleep when the movie was over and everyone went to their rooms. Tomorrow was the last day in LA before you moved on to a different city. You woke up to the g note being played in your ear. You jolted awake and screamed. "AAAAAHH WHYYY?" It wasn't Brendon who played it this time, but Pete. "You little mudblood I'm going to strangle you." You said. "It hurt me as much as it hurt you to hear it played. If you don't remember I used to be emo too." "Yeah but why did I need to be cruelly woken up?" "I want to take you somewhere before we leave." "Ugh fine." You got up and got dressed. You put on a bit of makeup and then said you were ready. Most of the guys were still asleep. Hayley was awake and she winked at you as you and Pete left the room and took the elevator to the lobby and walked out the doors.

You were walking on the sidewalk and talking a bit. Then Pete took your hand in his. It sent shivers down your spine. You walked hand and hand until you reached a park. You continued down a dirt path until the path opened up to a lake. There were wild flowers growing everywhere. "It's beautiful." "I thought you would like it." Pete said smiling down at you. You both sat down in the grass near the water. You leaned into Pete's chest and he put his arms around you, hugging you into his chest. "I really do like you a lot. I care so much about you and I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I'm not trying to make you pick me, Patrick is a great guy and I know he would treat you right and that he cares about you a lot as well. I will be happy no matter your decision." He kissed the top of your head. At this moment, something inside you clicked. This felt right. You don't know if this is what Hayley was talking about when she said "You will just know. The answer will be clear.", but you knew, that Pete was the one you wanted to be with. "Pete, I think I've made my decision. I choose you.." "Is it because I said that?" "No, it isn't. Something about this, about us, just feels right." "Are you sure?" "Yes 100% sure." "You don't know how happy this makes me." He kisses you and you stay like that a moment. "We should probably go tell Patrick.. And everyone else.." "Yeah." So you both get up and head back to the hotel.

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