Chapter 12

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A/N: ^^enjoy this photo of Pete Wentz I took at my concert last Sunday!

~Your POV~

Pete had a shocked expression on his face which immediately turned to anger. "That isn't fair! You distracted me!" "Patrick never said I couldn't. Plus the whole time we were talking you had a chance to win. But did you take that chance? No you didn't, now did you Wentz?" "Ugh fine you win." "Yep. Also you have whipped cream all over your face." You kissed his cheek then walked away smirking. You ran out into the lobby where Patrick, Joe, and Andy were waiting. "I WON!" Andy stood up and high fived you. "I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! YOU AVENGED ME!" "I TOLD YOU I WOULD!" A little after, Pete walked into the lobby. His face showing he was angry with himself for getting distracted.

"Dude what happened?" Joe asked. "I got distracted." Pete said, his voice full of bitterness. You just smiled innocently at him. You all made your way back to the rooms. Patrick walked in first and got drenched in ice water. "PETE!" He yelled. "Oh sorry Patrick. I forgot about that. I should have warned you. Oh and Andy watch when you walk in our room. I set up a tripwire." "Thanks for the warning." You all took showers and changed. "So you said we were going to do something today. What was it?" "Oh well we knew that you would go take a shower and get ready if we said we were going somewhere and that was all so Joe and Pete could prank you." Patrick said. "We hoped it would turn out to start a prank war." Joe added. "Well you got your wish."

You all sat on your phones until about 5 and then you ordered room service. "So what other songs am I going to sing with you guys?" You asked after you all finished eating. "Well Pete and I were thinking you could sing Foxes' part in 'Just One Yesterday' along with someone of the verses she doesn't sing in." Patrick said.

"That's one of my favorite songs!" "Ok then that is decided. We were also thinking about having you sing Brendon's part in '20 Dollar Nose Bleed'." "Oh my gosh that would be amazing! I love that song as well!" "Patrick laughed. "Ok then. We can practice those sometime maybe tomorrow." "Ok." "One question." Joe said. "Is there any song you do not love that we sing?" "No of course not! To be honest, all of your songs are my favorites. I just simply cannot choose one favorite. I can't choose a favorite album either." They all laughed.

After talking a bit more, Joe and Pete walked over to their room and you, Patrick, and Andy got into your beds. You texted Y/B/F/N all about the prank war. You had a hard time stifling your laughter. "What are you laughing at?" Patrick asked. "Oh I'm retelling the story of how I beat Pete Wentz in a prank war to my best friend." "Makes sense. Also he wasn't very happy I helped you." "Well that's his problem isn't it?" You both laughed. After texting Y/B/F/N a bit more, you read your book and then went to bed at about 11.

You woke up to the smell of burning hair. There was yelling coming from the bathroom. You walk to the bathroom to find Pete, Patrick, and Joe all in the bathroom. Pete had your straightener and from what it looked like, tried to straighten his bangs like he used to. Joe was videoing it since Pete's hair was smoking and Patrick was yelling "OMG PETE WHAT DID I TELL YOU?! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS!" "Well well well. Would you look at Pete Wentz now. Trying to go back to your emo roots are you?" You say in a snarky voice. They all freeze and turn around to face you.

"U-uh umm well I thought it would be fun but you know I haven't straightened my hair in years and I must have turned it up too high and-" "Say no more. Ok Patrick, Joe, I'm going to have to ask you to leave while I fix Mr. Wentz's problem because he thought he could use my things without asking, resulting in him almost lighting himself on fire. Things have gotten more advanced since 2005 Pete. Now OUT!" Patrick and Joe walk out.

"Ok now let's turn you back into 2005 Pete Wentz!" You set to work on his hair first. You put a lot of gel in his hair then take the straightener to it. It made a sizzling sound as you ran the straightener over the hair. "U-uh are you actually frying my hair off?" "Pshh don't be ridiculous." You laugh and mumble an "Oops.." after the straightener sizzled more loudly than it had before. "OOPS?! DID YOU JUST SAY OOPS?! WHAT IS OOPS? I SWEAR IF I'M BALD NOW-" You laughed. "I'm messing with you, calm down." He glares at you.

When his hair is pretty straight, you put the straightener down. "Now close your eyes." You say picking up a can of hairspray. He obeys and you spray the crap out of his hair, wanting it to last all day. "Ok I'm done with the hair now lemme do the guyliner!" "You're doing guyliner?! NOO!" "Yes if you really want to be emo again, it's essential. You know, if it will make you feel any better, I can turn into 2005 Pete Wentz as well. But I need to borrow a Clandestine Industries hoodie. Preferably the blue one with stars." Pete's eyes grew wide. "Deal!"

You applied his guyliner and then, satisfied with the way he looked, said you were done. You let him look in the mirror and he screamed. "I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS AGAIN! AH NO I WANNA GO JOIN THE BLACK PARADE NOW OR SOMETHING!" You heard Joe and Patrick mumbling and then laughing in the room outside. Pete must have heard them too because he said "I SWEAR IF ONE OF YOU G NOTES US, YOU WILL BE DEAD!" That made you think of the My Chemical Romance song 'Dead!' so you started singing it. "HAAAVVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS THAT YOU'RE DEAD? NO EVER HAD MUCH NICE TO SAY I THINK THEY NEVER LIKED YOU ANYWAY!" Pete just laughed. "Now go get the hoodie. So I can make myself look ugly." You said winking at him. "HEY!" Patrick and Joe had left to get Andy so it worked out since you wanted to make a big reveal of the both of you.

Pete came back and had two of the hoodies. He handed the blue one to you and he had a red one for himself. He put it on and put the hood up like he used to. You smiled and set to work on yourself. You straightened you own hair and put it back in a ponytail except for a section that would serve as your bangs. You applied a thick layer of eyeliner. You put on Pete's hoodie and put the hood up, sweeping your bangs to the side. The hoodie smelled like him which made you not want to take it off. You thought about stealing it or 'forgetting to give it back'.

"Wow since when did I have a twin?" Pete asked smiling. "I don't know." "Well ready to show the guys?" "Yep" They didn't know about you turning into Pete too and so when you walked out they had looks of utmost confusion on them. Then they seemed to comprehend and jokingly said "WAIT WHICH ONE IS ACTUALLY PETE!?" "I don't know. I love pizza that's all I care about." You said mimicking Pete. The guys burst out laughing and Pete glared at you. "I think this deserves to go on Instagram." You said taking out your phone. You took a photo and posted it with the caption "Who is who?" You tagged Pete in it and he took his phone out and screenshot it."You guys have to stay like this all day. Even if we go out to eat." Andy said. "Ok fine." You and Pete agreed. This should be interesting.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now