Chapter 7

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You knocked and he opened the door. "Hey" You said smiling. "Hello" He said returning the smile. "So where are we going?" "It's a surprise but I think you will really like it." "Ok." So you and Patrick walked to the lobby and out the doors. There was a light breeze that ruffled the leaves on the nearby tree and a light 'whooshing' noise filled the air. You and Patrick walked and talked for a while when Patrick said "I'm going to need you to close your eyes until I say to open them." "Ok." You closed your eyes and felt Patrick's hand grab yours.

You guys walked hand in hand for a few minutes when a suddenly a sweet smell hit you. "You can open your eyes now." You did and the most beautiful sight met your eyes. You were in the middle of a flower garden and there were pink cherry blossom trees everywhere. Just a ways off, there was a record store displaying vinyls. "OMG PATRICK IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE IT!!" "I'm glad you like it! Now let's go get some vinyls. I know how much you like them as collectors items."

Patrick grabbed your hand and smiled. He led you into the store which was filled with cds and vinyls. All categorized by genre and by artist. You made your way over to the 'G' section and began looking for Green Day's vinyl of 'American Idiot'. When you found it you grabbed it and then made your way to the 'P' section. Here you found every single Panic! At The Disco album on vinyl. You practically screamed but instead made a weird squeal/dying bird sound.

Patrick looked at you questioningly from across the store. You smiled and held up all the vinyls. Patrick laughed and then you realized you didn't have enough money to pay for everything. You could only buy a few and you wanted to look for so many more vinyls. Patrick seemed to see you frowning and seemed to know what it was about. "Hey don't worry about it. You can get as many as you like. Honestly, I will buy them for you." Your eyes grew wide. "Patrick I couldn't ask you to do that! It's ok I'll just pick my favorite albums."

"Ok but if you don't have enough money, I will pay for it." "Thanks Patrick." After much consideration, you decided on the albums 'Pretty. Odd.' by Panic! At The Disco because duh Ryan Ross, 'American Idiot' by Green Day, 'Blurryface' by Twenty One Pilots, and of course, 'M  A  N   I   A' by Fall Out Boy. Your total came to about $40. Patrick bought some vinyls as well and then you both made your way out into the garden.

You found a bench and sat down. "So I was thinking, how would you like to perform on stage with us at our concert?" "What!? Patrick I couldn't. I don't sing nearly as good as you do and I'm sure the Youngbloods would rather hear you sing by yourself than with me." Patrick shook his head. "It doesn't matter what the Youngbloods would think. I think you sing great and I want you to perform with us. You can sing the closing song with me which would be 'Save Rock and Roll'."

"I don't know Patrick. I have anxiety and I'm not sure it's a good idea. I would probably end up having a panic attack and I just wouldn't be good enough and I would get a lot of ha-" You were cut off by Patrick lips meeting yours. You tensed up, but then relaxed and kissed back.

"You're perfect. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise." "Thanks Patrick." Then you looked up and you saw Pete standing a bit behind Patrick. The look on his face said he had seen what happened. Regret instantly filled you. You didn't want them to fight again. "Patrick? What are you doing!? I thought we had agreed not to kiss her anymore until she decided who she liked more!" "That never stopped you from kissing her the night Joe and I were drunk." Patrick retorted.

Pete flushed and a look of fury crossed his face. "Guys please don't fight!" But they didn't listen. "Well maybe if you hadn't been so careless as to get so drunk you couldn't even walk straight th-" "I can make my own decisions Pete! If you learned some self control then-" You didn't hear the rest of what Patrick was going to say because you were already running. You didn't know where to, you just new you had to get away from the fight. Tears streamed down your face as you thought "This is all my fault. Patrick and Pete were best friends until I came along. I should just leave. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to get a ticket for the next plane to Chicago."

You decided to rest on a bench. You had somehow made it to another park. Your phone buzzed twice. It was a text from Pete and one from Patrick.

Patrick: Where are you? Pete and I feel really bad. We should have known better. Please reply. You ignored it and opened Pete's.

Pete: Y/N, please tell us where you are. We don't want anything to happen to you! Patrick and I feel awful. You ignored Pete's text as well. You just needed to sit and let your thoughts consume you. Just as your thoughts were about to take over, your phone buzzed again. This time it was Andy.

Andy: Hey. Will you please tell me where you are? I won't tell Pete or Patrick but I will come by myself. They told me what happened. Sometimes they can be so unaware. Just please I want to talk to you about it. You decided you could tell Andy because he had helped you with this before.
You: I'm at a park. I'm not sure where but on my way I think I saw a sign that said I was by Fairmont Rd.
Andy: Ok I'm on my way. I'll tell them I'm going to get some coffee or something.
You: Ok see you soon. You put your phone away and let your thoughts wander. After about 20 minutes you saw Andy walking towards you and you got up and walked to him.

You had cried some more so your eyes were probably red. "Hey let's go sit down. We don't have to talk about it just yet if you don't want to." He said noticing your red eyes. You walked back to the bench and sat down. "So what I've heard, Pete saw you and Patrick kiss. Then that's when the fight started. Correct?" You nodded your head. Andy sighed. "None of this is your fault you know. Patrick and Pete can't help that they like you. You're just a likeable person. So don't even for a second blame yourself." "Well it's too late for that. I already have. I'm booking a ticket for Chicago. I found one that leaves at 10 tomorrow morning." Shock crossed Andy's face and you looked down at the ground.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now