Chapter 6

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Jason pov

We ran out into the cold, chilly winter air and jumped into the squid infested pool with Alanna. "WHY YOU DO DIS?!" Alanna screamed. "BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU!" I shouted in response. We laugh. "LET'S GET BACK INSIDE ALREADY IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE! AND WE'RE IN A POOL!" Dragon screamed at us all. "We should ya know." Ty agreed. Dragon blushed, obviously trying to hide it by going underwater. "AHH!" Ty was pulled under. I swim under soon after to get Alanna, without her noticing of course.

"HahahaAAHHH!" Alanna screamed as I pulled her under. She glared at me from underneath. She bites her lip and her mouth curls into another smirk. Geez, she smirks a lot. Wait, that's bad. I should start swimming now. WHY AM I NOT SWIMMING AWAY?! WHY AM I STILL NOT SWIMMING AWAY?! My legs finally seem to work as I turn and swim up and to the pool dock. I run into the house and into Adam's room. I grab a towel from the bathroom and wrap it around me.

Alanna pov

"AhahahaAAHHH!" I suddenly get pulled under, still holding the waterproof camera. I turn and see Jason. Suddenly I get an idea. I'll smirk, knowing he's going to want to swim and run away. Then when he does, I'll tell Mitch and Jerome to come with me and we'll quietly go to the closet where all the Nerf guns are. We'll make our way up the stairs to Adam's room where he probably would've gotten a towel from and stayed there. Then, we'll pelt him with Nerf bullets. Meanwhile, the entire time cameras are already set up all around the house and connected to the livestream. Including in Adam's bedroom where we're going to attack Jason.

I do my all to famous smirk of this household and just as expected, a few seconds later Jason turns and swims away and rushes into the house and as far as I could tell, up the stairs. Must've gone to Adam's room. Perfect. I swim back up to the surface. I gasp for air. I laugh my suprisingly accurate impression of a Bodil laugh, freaking out everybody except Dragon since she already knows about it. My friends didn't call me the queen of trolling or the female Bodil for nothing.

"Mitch, Jerome. Follow me!" I say. They follow me out and over to the closet. I tell them the plan and they get evil grins on they're faces as well. "Haha, i'm calling you my evil minions. We get along way to well." I tell them. "But we're older then you!" Jerome argues back. "But I'm the Bodil of this place that pushed you both in the pool, told Jason to tell you that I went out back so I could silly string you from above, and then fed Adam the squid as another prank." I argue back, clearly winning this. "Notice me Senpai!" Mitch responds simply. "I thought so." I say laughing. We grab two guns each and head upstairs.

Mitch grabs his Mega Blaster and a Shotgun, I grab the Rebel Sweet Revenge girl Nerf gun which is way to girly and the Rebel Crossbow  that I brought, and Jerome grabbed the Pisol and Super Soaker. We hear Jason opening the bathroom door and getting a towel. "On three." I whisper. They nod. I put up one finger,



I kick open the door and we all pelt him with Nerf bullets. "THIS GUN AIN'T CALLED SWEET RVENGE FOR NOTHING!" I scream. "AHH! STOP IT!" Jason shouts back at me. "NEVER!" Mitch says. "Well if that's how its gonna be, I got something for you guys." Jason says. He walks over to the bed and grabs pillows from it. "PILLOW FIGHT!" Oh no...

He runs over and smacks Jerome on the top of his head. OH IT'S ON! I grab a second pillow off the bed and smack Jason in the stomach. "Thats it." He says. He walks to the bathroom and closes and locks the door. "Really Jason? Right now?" I ask. He opens the door back up and is holding a giant cup of water. I get an idea. I'm going to collapse on the floor and act like I'm having my powers and strength weakened by the water since I'm a fire fox hybrid. I'm gonnna smirk at mah minions(Yes, I meant to spell mah.) first so they know it's another prank.

 Jason takes the cup and splashes all of it on me. I make a fake scream to act like i'm startled. I give a quick glance at Jerome and Mitch and smirk. I collapse and act weakened. My minions seemed to understand the smirk. Jason rushes over to me, shocked. "Are you okay?!" He asks, panicky. "I'm a fire fox hybrid, so when water makes contact with my skin, I become weaker. My strength weakens." I explain. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Alanna! Don't die i'll call the hybrid ambulance!"  He says. he grabs the phone and presses a number. "NO DON'T!" I scream. "Why?!" He asks. "Because it's just another prank." I say, giggling.

"Oh it's on." Jason says. "It's been on." I say. I lean out the window. "GUYS GET IN HERE!" I shout. We all meet up in the living room. I explain that we're gonna pick teams for the new prank wars. Official. "I'm team leader, and Jason is the other team leader." I say.

I pick first. "Mitch." I say. "YES!" He cries out, walking over to me. He gives me a fist bump and sits on my couch. Yes, my couch. My team on this couch, Jason on the other. "Adam." Jason says. "Jerome." I said. "Quentin." "DRAGON!" Ty was the only one left so he went with Jason. The teams were:

Me, Jerome, Mitch, and Dragon.

Then there was:

Jason, Adam, Quentin, and Ty.

Perfect. "Let the livestreaming prank wars, BEGIN!"

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