Chapter 7

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Jason pov

We had picked the official teams for the prank wars. It was

Alanna, Mitch, Jerome, and Dragon


Me, Adam, Quentin, and Ty.

"Let the live streaming prank wars, BEGIN!" Alanna says.

"Adam! Quentin! Ty! Follow me upstairs." I said. We head upstairs to the bedroom. "Plans anybody?" I ask.


The other team goes upstairs. "Plan anybo-" I get cut off by Alanna. "I have a perfect one." She says. The three of us look at her. Damn, this chick can think of trolling really fast. "Let's get something related to they're worst nightmares and scatter it all over they're rooms and beds." She says. Not bad at all.

"We can get fresh, chopped off pig feet from Publix and wrap it in gift wrap and put it on Jason's hotel bed with a note saying, 'Chopped Jeffrey'. For Adam, we get a bunch of squid from the pool and scatter it around his bed room. For Ty, since they're sharing a room, we will tape skylox fan art photos around the whole room. For Quentin, we'll copy and paste a picture of a mudkip onto Microsoft word and type 'FIESH!' underneath it and print out the papers. We'll tape those around the hotel room that he and Jason are staying in. You guys will do that while I can tape up the Skylox photos and scatter the squids." Alanna explains. "Perfect!" I say.

Alanna pov

I get up and walk out the door. "Are ya comin'" I start. I click my tounge. "OR NAH?!" I finish. They all rush over and follow me to my apartment next door. We walk in and go to my room.

I walk in and make sure  my laptop is wirelessly connected to my printer. After that, we set up the Mudkip photo papers.

"THAT ONE!" Dragon screams. (Picture it however you want I'm to lazy to describe it...) I copy and paste it to Microsoft and type, 'FIESH!!'. I print it out and make thirty copies. We found one for skylox and do the same. Except we don't type FIESH!! on it.

I look through the window and see all four boys get into the car and drive away.  Nice timing. I tell my team to stay here and I take the Skylox photos and tape and open my window. I jump out quietly and into Adam's back yard.  I grab about twenty squids and make my way up into the bedroom. I scatter the squids around the room and tape up the last of the papers. Once I finished, I opened the window and leaped back across and grabbed the windowsill so I wouldn't fall. The window was still opened since I jumped down. Mitch put out his hand for me to grab. I greatfully took it and he helped me through my window. I leaned back out once I was in, Mitch holding my ankles, for the same reason I grabbed the windowsill, so I wouldn't fall. I shut the window to Adam's apartment and climbed back into my own. Holy shit that was a ton of work.

"Nice!" Mitch said. "Thank you! Thank you!" I say, bowing. We laugh. "Now you guys go take your jobs of this prank and get the Jeffrey feet, wrap them with the note, and place that on the bed. Then tape the papers up on the walls. You people are doing this part since you got a key and Dragon is friends with the staff there. And I feel like I'm about to pass out since I'm so tired. I can't walk anymore." I explain, yawning. They nod, understanding.

They walk out and go down to the car, grabbing my car keys off the hook on the way, along with the materials. "IF YOU DAMAGE MY CAR I'M GOING TO KILL THE DRIVER AND WHOEVER CAUSED IT!" I scream. I hear laughing from downstairs. I look out the window and see them backing out of the driveway. "You guys don't need to watch me sleep." I say, turning off the cameras positioned for the livestream in my bedroom. Finally. Now I can contact him.

I close the thick, flame designed curtains in front of my window so nobody sees. I laugh evily and create a giant ball of fire. It soon becomes pitch black. I grin maliciously. I throw the ball of dark matter onto the carpet of my orange bedroom, creating a portal. I step into it, leaving my body on my bed to make it seem like I'm sleeping. I can't believed those retards believed that I was tired. Ha! As if I would be tired right at the opportunity to talk to him.

I appear in a room of complete darkness. "Hello, Alanna. I see you have returned, my valuable Blaze hybrid." An adult male voice said. "Yes sir. And I have successfully moved into the assigned apartment for the plan. Purposely next door to my brother, the squid hybrid Adam.The team doesn't suspect a thing. I even tricked that, Jason, into thinking that I actually love him. And Dragon doesn't know either, the foolish forest dragon hybrid." I reply, once again grinning maliciously. The man chuckles.

"Good, good." He says. "I only have to pull aside-" I was cut of by a blur of dark blue. "Ah! Adam. You got my message then, my squid hybrid?" The man greets him. Adam had the same grin on his face as I do. "Yes sir. I had to say I needed to use restroom in the middle of a clothing store in order to get here. I had to leave my body in the stall to make it look like I was using it." Adam replies. We all chuckle a little bit. We still gave the grins on our evil faces.

"Brilliant." The man says. "Now. Alanna, Adam. My two best, evil, hybrids. Continue with our plans to wipe out the team. I will speak with you soon, and will send over our most powerful hybrid to help you out." The man finishes. He opens his eyes. Adam and I have even bigger grins of evil plastered on our faces when we see the glowing, white eyes of Herobrine.

"Yes Father." Adam and I say in unison, our eyes glowing white as well.



I REGRET NOTHING!! And Adam doesn't actually give a crap that he is a squid Hybrid. He just says he does as part of the cover.


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