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Jason pov

We sat down and opened the boxes of prizza. I grabbed a pepperoni slice, and closed the box again. I hear a sniffle. I look to the stairs and see Alanna standing there. Crying. "Huh? Alanna! What's wrong?!" I question her. She sniffles again. "I-I w-went to the b-bedroom to get Dr-dragon and I found t-this." She says, stuttering and handing out a note. I hug her and take it. I put out my hand behind her and read it.

Team Crafted; or at least what's left;

   Your members are being captured one by one. When each one of you is gone, we will get revenge for what has happened in the past. We are bringing Minecraft mobs in to this world, and we shall rule.

                                               ~Your kidnapper

My eyes widen in shock. "She's K-kidnapped." I inform the rest of the guys. "WHAT?! But she's not part of the Team!!" Ty says. "I find it wierd too. Maybe the kidnapper is taking all who gets in the way?" I suggest. "That would make sense." Alanna says, voice muffled from her face in my shirt and crying. I let go of my girlfriend and look her in the eyes. "It's going to be alright! I won't let you get kidnapped, and I KNOW the rest of the Team will do their best not to be either. And so will I. I'll protect you." I promise her. Alanna nods. I grab her hand and walk over to the couch. She follows and we sit down next to each other.

"Jason. I'm scared. I don't want anybody getting kidnapped again! Especially you!" Alanna says. She grabs me and holds me tight. I hold her too. "Don't leave me. Promise me. Promise that you will fight back if you are attemped to be kidnapped! I don't want to lose you!" I tell her, a tear slipping down my cheek. It drops and lands on her shoulder. "I promise." She says.

Alanna pov


He's totally buying it.

What a fool these guy are! And I lied to Anthony when he was here as well. I never loved him either. I used him and Jason. Just to break hearts in the end, then take he and Ty away. This plan is absolutly GENIUS! We will succeed. We will win. We shall rule. (This sounds like pure evil XD Oh wait. It is lol)

I wrap my arms around Jason's neck, preparing myself for a kiss. Seriously, I'm grossed out by every single one of them. Jason looks at me with sad eyes, and I return the expression. "One last kiss? In case on of us is next?" I ask. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back, grossed out. But I don't show that though. I hear somebody clear his throught. We pull away from the kiss and look at Mitch. Jason blushes, I just giggle and give him a fake blush. "We're still here ya know." Adam says. "Hehe. Sorry." Jason says, looking away to hide his bright pink face and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm going to take a shower. See you all in about an hour!" I say, getting up and walking back up the stairs. "Okay!" I hear one of them say. I walk into my room again and close and lock the doors and windows. I open the pizza box and start eating half of the rest.


I finished the slice and walked to the closet. I grab pajamas and walk to the bathroom, strip down, and step in. I turn on the hot water and start using shampoo and conditioner, making it seem like i truly did take a shower. I wash off and step back out and put on the pajamas. Tossing the clothing into the laundry basket, I walk to the window, unlock it, and jump down onto a nearby branch. I climb down and grin. The guys can't see me at all from here, so this will be a perfect spot.

I mutter some words under my breath, and a purple circle appears. Two skeletons come out from it. I smile. "Shoot at the doors and windows, but don't harm anybody. I just want them to know, our apocalypse is starting." I order, with a maniacal grin plastered onto my face. I feel like I'm about to commit murder. It feels great. I reallt am a true psychopath. I laugh evily and climb back up the tree. I stop laughing and climb back into my open window. I close it, the maniacal grin still plastered onto my face.


OMFG ITS BEEN FOREVER I AM SOOO SORRY! I haven't been in the mood to update and I just started school again yesterday. It was my second day today. And uh, I ended up falling asleep in history alrready XD ITS THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL AND I AM ALREADY FALLING ASLEEP IN CLASS! But he didn't care. All he said was get more sleep at night. But ANYWAYS! I want to say sorry and This story WILL indeed be coming to an end soon! I have the next coming parts planned, and there should be at least two or three more chapters after this. THX GUYS!

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