Chapter 15

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Alanna pov

Previously in Minecraft TerrorI mutter some words under my breath, and a purple circle appears. Two skeletons come out from it. I smile. "Shoot at the doors and windows, but don't harm anybody. I just want them to know, our apocalypse is starting." I order, with a maniacal grin plastered onto my face. I feel like I'm about to commit murder. It feels great. I really am a true psychopath. I laugh evilly and climb back up the tree. I stop laughing and climb back into my open window. I close it, the maniacal grin still plastered onto my face.

I close my window and walk over to my bed. I look at the clock and notice the time. 9:34 it reads. I grin a little bigger. The guys always go to the bedrooms around this time, seeing as they always wake up at around ten in the morning to eat something then record right afterwards. The recordings haven't been as cheerful. We act like it for the fans, and use old audio from several vieos from Jerome's, Quentin, and now going to have to be Dragon's channels for their vids for youtube. So now is the perfect chance to get somebody else. Two kidnappings, one day?! AWESOME! Let's do this.

 I already know who the target is this time.

I take the grin off of my face and open my door, grabbing duct tape on the way out. I head down the hallway, slowly creeping up to his door trying not to wake him. Crap, I think he has the only bedroom in the house that has the creaking door. Well this makes it harder. Hehe, that's what she said. SORRY MINECRAFTIANS I COULDN'T RESIST!

ALANNA! THE FOURTH WALL! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IN THIS STORY! *points to the wall now collapsed on the ground again*


Ugh. Why am I arguing! YOU'RE ME! Geez, now I feel stupid.

Adam: You're not. That's how ya kidnapped Dragon!







I continue creeping down the hallway, duct tape in hand. I unroll some of it slowly, trying not to make any noise with it. I finally do so about five minutes later and notice some scissors (What a coincidence XD) on a stand near by in the hallway. I use them to cut the tape silently and place them back down. Placing down the tape, I open his door quietly. I squeeze my eyes shut, dreading the creak to come. "Huh?" I whisper. No creak. I sigh. Oh thank mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz that it did not creak.  I walk in and see Ty sleeping on his bed.

I quietly make my way over to the bed, and sit next to him on it. I carefully put the tape on his mouth, trying not to wake him. I make the portal, and look back over at him. "Nighty nighty, Tyler." I pull him off the bed easily and hear him groan. "Hmmmmm?" I hear. "Hm?! HMMMM! HM HM HM HM!!!" He starts flailing his limbs every where, trying to get me to put him down. "Stop it Tyler. You know I'm stronger then you." I tell him. "Hm?" I hear him try to question. "Shut it idiot. I'll tell you when I get there with you!" I say. And with that I close the room's door, lock it, and walk into the portal with Tyler on my shoulder.

I step into the void, and throw down the guy on the floor. I look down at him to see his reaction to his transformation.

Yeah go ahead. Break the fourth wall to crumbs.

I was going to any ways.

I forgot to tell you guys in chapter seven. When you enter the Void, you become your  Minecraft skin. For example, my minecraft skin is a girl with light brown hair, a pink and black checkered hoodie, white t-shirt underneath, an amulet around my neck that is light pink with black in the center, a pair of silver headphones that glow a deep pink in the center of the speakers, like Tyler's do on the green part, and sliver wristbands on both wrists and gray sneakers.

Ty looks up and stands. He rips the tape off his mouth and looks at me. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screams. The portal disappears behind me. "Wait, what the fuck? Why do ya look like your minecraft OC? Why do I look like mine?" He asks, looking at the two of us. "We're in the minecraft world. This is called the void. It's where Adam, Ssundee, Alanna and I have been taking everybody.  And when you enter, you look like your minecraft skin." I hear. Herobrine appears behind Tyler. I move over to look at my father. "Exactly, Tyler Lox." I agree.

"Now come on. Do you want to see the fish? The Bacca? Or Dragon even?" I turn to see his expression. Suprised. "D-Dragon is here?!" He says shocked. "Yep. And you get the cell right next to hers." I say, giggling maniacly. "You're pure evil Alanna. So is Adam and Ian." Tyler says. An ocean blue portal appears. Adam. He comes through and sees us. "I knew you were here. His  door was locked, so I looked at yours and you weren't there, so I thought you had taken him too." He says. "Smart for once." I tease. "Shut up sis." Adam mumbles. "SIS?!" Tyler exclaims. "COULD YOU QUIET DOWN?!" Bob shouts from the doorway to the hallway to the door to the cells. (XD)

"Ah, Adam. I see you're back as well." Bob says, walking in. "Now lets go to the cells!" I say, happily. I walk over, Adam and Tyler following. I explain everything to Tyler on the way, holding onto his wrist to make sure he doesn't try to run somewhere. "DRAGON?!" He shouts. He runs over to her cell and away from me. "At least he ran that way instead of to the mobs." I say."TY!" Dragon says. Seriously. I forgot they like each other. I walk over and pull him away. Bob opens tee next cell door and toss him in. "Lets go back home i'm tired.' I suggest. "Yeah me too." Adam agrees. We create our portals and disappear.


HEY GUYS! Once again, the fourth wall is broken....

But TY was kidnapped! And I possibly WILL NOT be able to post tomorrow, Saturday, and POSSIBLY SUNDAY! Sorry, I'm in a Military family and there is this thing called Yellow Ribbon. In Yellow Ribbon, a bunch of Military families are together and the adults all go to meetings and stuff  with each other and boring stuff in a hotel, but the KIDS AND TEENAGERS get to go to a care area. We get to hang out with others our age and they have games, the wii, Xbox and Kinect, AND WIFI!!! :D But no computers or anything in the hotel for us to use for fun. And I am NOT updating from my phone. The last time I did that one of my stories was deleted. So SORRY!!!

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