She's Your Sister?!

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Mitobe stared at the lone figure standing in the sakura tree path. She was beautiful. Her hair was pure white and her eyes were a grey so light it was practically white as well. Her shirt was a black tank top with separated sleeves of white and black stripes. Her shorts were a dark grey and she wore black boots with heels. (The picture, guys. On the cover. Look at the picture.)

"Ah. Ayumu!" the girl called. Mitobe jumped. He relaxed, as her voice was loud and startled him, as he saw an orange cat. The girl picked the cat up and cuddled it to her chest. "You're such a good kitty. At least you don't leave me all alone like Onii-San. The asshole." She huffed. "He's supposed to pick me up too! He has all my stuff at his house!"

Mitobe noticed that the orange stood out against her pale skin. In fact, the only color she wore was the red ribbon around her neck. His eyes widened as he saw Kagami.

"Tai Onii-San!" the girl yelled, running up to him. He opened his arms and smiled warmly. She beamed and ran up into his arms.

"Wysteria. It's good to see you, imouto." He said as he hugged her close. Suddenly a mewl rang through the air. "Ayumu! Who's a good kitty cat? You are. Yes." He cooed. "Thanks for taking care of my imouto for me." He said, rubbing behind its ear. This surprised Mitobe. He thought Kagami hated animals.

"So, are we going to Seiren? You have practice, right?" the girl, Wysteria, asked.

"Ah, yea. Come on." he said, turning toward Seiren.

"Okay." the girl said in a quiet voice. The cat jumped onto her shoulder as she rushed after her brother.

Mitobe decided to take a short cut and get to Seiren before Kagami. He wanted to be there as she was introduced.
Later at Seiren
Kagami's PoV

"Who's the girl?" Various people asked.

My poor little sister hid behind me. They were obviously frightening her. She hugged Ayumu, her cat, to her chest.

"Onii-San..." she whimpered.

"Shuddup!" I snarled. Wysteria squeaked and grabbed onto my sleeve. Suddenly everybody went quiet and starred at me. I huffed and turned around. "Come here. Don't worry. They are just a buncha loud fools. They aren't scary at all." I said to Wys. She hesitantly stepped out from behind me. She kept shifting in embarrassment as she stood in front if all the guys. I was about to yell at them again when a voice cut through my thoughts.

"Kagami, who is that?" Riko asked, gently, seeing how my little Wys was frightened.

"Ah. Coach." I said. I noticed how one of my teammates were hitting on her. I shoved him aside and grabbed her little hand. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" I asked Wys gently.

"I'm W-Wysteria K-K-Kagami, desu. Um. I'll b-be attending school here w-with y-you. T-take c-care of me a-and Ayumu." Wys stuttered.

"Wysteria... Kagami?!" Izuki yelled. Wysteria screamed and hid behind me again.

"Her last name is Kagami?!" Riko yelled. Wysteria whimpered and tugged on my shirt.

"Yes!" I said, pulling her towards me. "She's my little sister. Now, please lower your voice. You're scaring her." I said.

"Ah. S-sorry. Hello, Kagami-chan. I'm-" Riko began.

"Wysteria." Wys said. Everybody paused. "C-call me Wysteria."
She said before hiding behind me again.

"Ah. Wysteria-chan. It's nice to meet you. I'm Aida Riko. You can call me Riko or coach. This," she said, pointing at Kiyoshi, "is Teppei Kiyoshi."

"Hey there, kiddo." He said. "You can call me Kiyoshi. Or Kiyo is fine too." I watched as the rest all introduced themselves.

"A-ah. N-nice to m-meet all of you." Wys stuttered.

"Wait. You said little sister, right?" Hyuuga asked. I nodded. "Then how is she joining us?" he asked.

"Wys, here, has already completed high school in America, but was too young for Uni, so she is studying here." I said proudly. "She has also gotten clearance to play on the boys team." I added.

"Wow." Izuki whistled. "She's smart. How old is she?"

"I-I'm turning fourteen in a week." Wys said softly. "P-principle is having me join the team as well as swimming. Papa is making me play violin and piano as well a horse back riding." She said, hiding behind me as she received several horrified looks.

"Oh. I see." Riko said, ignoring the others. "Can you lift up your shirt a little?" she asked. Wys looked up at me. I nodded gently, telling her it was okay.
Riko's PoV

I watched as Kagami's cute little sister lifted up her shirt a little.

My eyes widened. This was... unbelievable. Her numbers were as high as her brothers. And she was so tiny!

"Okay, that's good enough." I said. Wysteria-chan nodded and pulled down her shirt before hiding behind Kagami again. I watched as she tugged on his shirt. She was so cute!

"Um. I have to g-go unpack." She said. "C-can we l-leave now?" she asked.

"Oh. Um, yes." I said, then I paused. "One more question. Who is Ayumu?" I asked.

"Ayumu is my kitty." She said, picking up the orange cat. She hugged it so her arms were under its arms and it's legs were dangling. "She's a h-helper animal." She stuttered.
The guys PoV (minus Kuroko-he's not there- and Kagami.)

'So cute!!' They all thought.
Suddenly they all got shivers down their spines. They slowly looked at Kagami. He was starring at them with pure rage in his eyes.
'Scary...' all of them sweat dropped.

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