Confessions and Confrontations

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Fear clouded my mind as I came to. It was dark, so dark. It was teriifying. 

You see..., I'm scarred of the dark. After what happened with the Not-Jason, I didn't like to be in the dark. It frightened me. 

I screamed. And screamed, but no sound came out of my pale lips. 

I shivered as a voice reached my ears. 

"You're in my world now, Wy-Ster-Ia-Chan!!" It sang. 

"...Shade." I thought. I had dubbed the 'other me' Shade after learning that she was a shadow of myself I had created. A cruel one. 

"Bingo~" It sang. "What shall we do now? Now that you're with me." Shade giggled, walking into 'view'. In reality I couldn't see anything. 

She was everything I was before. Everything I had cast away. Everything I didn't want to be. Everything I had once aspired to be. She 

He skin was a deep tan, her hair black, and her eyes much the same. She wore a black dress with ripped up sleeves. 

She was cold, her eyes shining with a dark cruelness. 

"....What do you mean?' I asked. She was scary. 

"I mean that I have some unfinished business with you." She grinned. I shivered. 

"What?" I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I said desperately. 

"Wrong!" She growled. "First, let's put the princess in her place." She whispered in my 'ear'. "You're a puppet. A toy for the boys. You don't deserve to live! Your own parents hate you!" She hissed, baring fangs like a demon. 

'I' curled into a ball and pressed my hand against my 'ears'. 

"You're weak! All you do is rely on others! Your brother sees you as a nuisance! You are soft!  A delicate little flower, who can't defend herself! The only thing you're good at is hiding from your problems! The only thing you can do is cry and feel sorry for youself!!!" She roared. "Maybe I should take your place! I could do something useful, unlike you!" She screamed. 

I sobbed. 

"Th-that's not true!!" I tried to shout. 

"Oh, but it is." Shade snarled. "Why don't I show you?!" 

I screamed as I was plunged into my own memories. 


Riko PoV

"Will she wake up?" I asked, worry and helplessness laced in my voice. 

"I...don't know." Was all Jason offered. My eyes clouded in rage. 

"YOU DON"T KNOW?!" Kiyoshi roared. "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO LEFT HER IN!!!!!" He yelled. I jumped. As did all the others. Kiyoshi, who was normaly Happy-Go-Lucky was flipping out on someone. 

"I couldn't of have forseen this." Jason hissed, looking offended. That was when the Phoenix struck. 

Dante's fist slammed so fast into Jason's face that he was sent reeling. 

"How dare you." He said in a cold and soft voice. "You know what using her full strength does to her!" His silver and gold eyes were filled with rage. He was practicaly a mass of pure rage. 

"Dante, that's enough!" Nicklas yelled. I stared at the wiry brunette. He had never spoken up before. His eyes were also filled with anger and worry. 

I sighed. This was going to be a long night. 


Kiyoshi PoV

I walked into the young girls room. She looked distressed. Even in sleep, she look sharp and aware. 

"Geez, princess." I muttered. "What have you gotten yourself into this time?" I asked wearily. 

"..." Silence was all that greeted me. 

"You know, you've got all of us wrapped around your finger." I continued. "Even me. Exspecialy me."


"You know, princess, I've already fallen for you." I added into the silence. I sighed as once again I recieved no answer. "Wake up soon, okay. You're friend, the Phoenix, almost killed your captain. He needs you. We all need you." I murmered, brushing a stray piece of hair from her face. I kissed her cheek lightly. Little did I know, I was the first out of four to confess. 

I left the room, leaving a light on. Just in case. 

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