The First

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Ugh. I hate summer. Who's with me? No one? ... okay.

Due to the hot weather and uncomfortable humidity, I have been sluggish. Sorry about that. If any of you are reading my other stories, I might not update them for a while. I'm going on an adventure soon yay! Buuuttt, there may or may not be any signal there, since I write all of these on my phone.

Also, to clear up confusion, this does mostly follow the original plot, only with a few changes.

Anywho, any more comments on this story? Any idea who she should date?

Oh, thank you SkyUzumaki for responding to my request. This chapter is dedicated to you! Thanks a ton. Now I can begin building on my concepts and relations in this book! You were an enormous help.

But, I need at least two more opinions before I make my final choice, guys. Pleeeaaaasssseeee leave an opinion or comment!

Oh, sorry about the OOCness. I find it hard to write exactly according to character. Any tips? Opinions on who she should date? Let me know
riiiggghhhttt-----> HERE!



Wysteria's PoV

I watched as the guys finished their laps. I had already finished mine a little while ago and now Onii-San and Kiyoshi were in the lead.

"How do you do it?" Riko asked curiously.

"Do what?" I asked without stuttering. I liked Riko. I felt comfortable around her. Riko was the only girl who I had ever been friends with. All my other friends were either guys, lunatics*cough* Momoi *cough*, or my cat.

"Run like that. Have endless stamina." Riko responded. She had been watching me, I could tell. Studying my rhythm, my stamina, my strength level.
I guess there's no harm in telling her, right?

"Well, I'm actually wearing weights and I get tired after an hour or so of physical activities such as running, swimming, and lifting weights. The reason I developed such stamina was because my coach in Italy was very strict. And Alex, too." I told her.

"I see. Wait! Weighs?!" Riko yelled. I jumped. I was still unused to loud noises.

"Um. Yes. It was part of training in Italy and it helps keep me in shape." I said.

"Well, okay. So, are you ready for the game against Kaijo today?" she asked.

"Yeah. It'll be fun." I said.


I watched from the bench as Kuroko was hit by Kise.

"Kuroko..." I whispered. I didn't yell because I didn't like loud noises. I heard the others yell though.

"Wysteria, you're in." Riko said. There was fury in her brown eyes.

"Got it." I said. I walked out onto the court.

"Dude! Seiren's number one is a girl! A smokin hot one too!" A guy yelled. I starred at him. Then I turned to Tai-nii.

"Tai-nii. Help me tie up my hair." I ordered.

"Hmm. Sure." He said, pulling my white locks into a braid and then tying it up into a messy bun.

"Thanks." I muttered. I was angry. That incident had reminded me so much of a painful memory in Italy, where my best friend and teammate had been pushed to the ground and beaten in the middle of a game.

I was going to kick their asses.

"Alright. Let's play." I said to my current fellow players. The people on the court were Mitobe, Koganei, Hyuuga, Kagami, and myself. This was going to be fun.

We were half way into the quarter and the boys were already sweating buckets.

"Guys," I ordered."pass me the ball. Just until Kagami and Hyuuga ate back at full strength."

"Okay." Kagami said. "We will trust you."

Now the score was 22/21 in Kaijo's favor. I jumped up blocking Kise's dunk.

"Hehe. You're good." He said. Sweat was rolling down his face. I was a little sweaty too, but not too much.

I laughed and nodded to him as I stole the ball and took off towards the half court line.

I jumped up and threw the ball.


Yes! We were finally ahead.


Sorry for the shortness.

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