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Hey guys. Sorry, my internet has been down for about a week, so... You know, I'm not even going to try to make excuses.

Yeah, anyways, the picture is Shawn, minus the eyes of course. Shawn's eyes were blue, not gold.

I wish you all a happy October and a happy Halloween.

Italics=Engrish. Or Shade.



Kagami PoV

I stared at my little sisters limp body. She looked very small in that white bed and those hospital clothes.

"Well, looks like the little bitch is asleep." A voice said, scornfully. I turned to see my mother. She stood as she always did, arrogantly. Her red hair fell to her hips. She was wearing a black pant suit and silver heels.

"Mother." I said, in English.

"Ah, Kagami. How are you?" She asked, suddenly sweet. "I missed you. You should come back to America. Your father also misses you."

"Liar." I said flatly. "I love Wysteria and want to look after her. Something you could never do." I hissed. My mothers face twisted in rage.

"Don't talk to me like that, boy!" it was a snarl.

"No! You don't talk to me like that." I snarled back. "She is my sister. My precious person. I will not let you continue to destroy her!" I spat.

"I am your mother. You will obey me."

"I will not." I said slowly. "And you are no mother." Anger filled my agitated mind.


Wysteria PoV

The memories were mere flashes.

Me being beaten by father, me being raped by Not Jason, me crying at my aunts funeral, me screaming as Dante went crashing to the ground.

All of them were memories if how I was weak. All of them of how I failed.

I was weak. I was a failure.

"Don't you see? I'm so much better then you. I'm strong. Fall to me, Wy~Ster~Ia." Shade sang. I growled low in my throat.

"Never." It was a simple word, said in barely a whisper. Then I remembered.

I saw myself leap in front of my poor little cousin as the man who murdered my aunt pulled the trigger. I saw myself sing gentle words to Dante as he screamed in agony. I saw myself dance in the rain as my world crumbled. I saw myself hold my head high as my father told me he hated me. I saw myself comfort Shawn as he saw his brother die and as he realized his forsaken love.

I was not weak. I may cry and get scared, but thats what makes me strong. I can admit my terror and my pain. I can show sadness.

"I am not weak. You are." I said, looking at Shade. Her image flickered.

"What?!" She spat.

"You. Are. Weak." I repeated. Her image flickered even more. "The sad thing is that you yourself do not realize it." I continued. "It is a strength to be able to show emotion. It is our ability to admit we're wrong that makes us powerful. It is the will to protect others. It is the love that we with wounded souls can show. Therefore, I am stronger than you. I may be small, and weak in many things, but I can love. I can continue to feel. And that's all that matters."

Shade stared. Then she burst into tears as her image began to fade.

My etherial body walked over to her as she sank to her knees.

"See? You can be strong too." I whispered, laying my hand on her head. "And you're my friend." Her image stopped flickering.

"I-I am?" Shade sniffed.

"Yeah." I said, smiling. Shade smiled back. It was a brilliant smile. I briefly wondered if this was what a mother saw when her child smiled for the first time.

"You have to go now. I'll send you home." Shade said, smiling. She stood up and brushed off her dress.

"Okay. But don't disappear, alright?" I called as I began to wake up.

"I'll be there. Always." I heard her say.

Then, I woke up. But I could feel her, there in the back if my mind, singing a sweet song.


Mini cliff! Hahaha, I am such a butch, aren't I?

Bet you guys all thought Shade was an evil witch. Wrroooooonnggg~ Shade and Wys-chan are besties!!!

Any guesses on who Shawn's 'forsaken love' is? first person to guess right gets a dedication and a cookie. Oh, oh, and they get to add one idea of their own into the story, and decide who the next Sister Fic/ Brother Fic will be about(pick a person to have a sibling).

Hint: It's not Wysteria. Or her cousin or aunt. However, it is an OC or a future OC(a brother/sis of one of the characters).

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