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"We have to go after her!!!" I yelled. My voice was frantic and I was almost hyperventilating.

"Dante!!" Shawn yelled at me. I was pacing frantically across our little apartment. Him and I were the only ones there. He hugged me. "Hey. It's okay." He chided. "We're going to find her. I promise." He told me.

"No. Just no. She's the one who brought us all together. We must go after her!" I cried in anguish. And she was my very best friend. The first person to accept me. Had we lived in a time and place, and was I not gay, I would've fallen for the young white haired girl.

"And we will." Shawn chided. "Just be patient. First we must gather the others and come up with a plan. But leave the GOM out of this." He said with finality.

"Okay. Okay." I said, repeating the word over and over again as I walked to my room to grab my phone.


I hate America. It's cold here. And empty.

I stared out the window of my room, which was on the fifth floor. It was a long way down. Id thought about jumping. But somehow, I still held the hope that Tai-Nii would come for me.

"Miss." A soft voice called. I turned to my room. It looked like a dungeon. All the colors were dark and cold. Blacks, greys, and whites filled the room. My bed was but a small cot.

"Come in." I called softly. I heard the locks on the door unlock.

"I brought you dinner, miss." The maid said softly. She was a fair woman with blonde hair and hazel eyes. In a different time, she would've been a model.

"Thank you." I said as she came in and set my dinner at the small one seater table.

"You are welcome." She went to leave but I called get back.

"Wait! Stay a little longer?" I begged. She turned and looked at me pityingly.

"Very well." She said softly. She smiled at me.

"Do you ever get lonely?" I asked softly. She looked at me sadly.

"Yes. Often. I wish I could help you, little one. I wish, but the mistress forbids it. And I cannot disobey." She said, standing to leave.

"W-wait!!" I cried. "Name!!!! Your name?" I asked.

"Kylee. Kylee Xristove." She told me, smiling. Then she left. Once again I shivered in loneliness and pain.

1 Month later-Mitobe PoV

I stepped out of the plane. It was cold in America and had the feel of something foul in the air.

I glanced around me. I was in a deserted airport with pine trees all around it. I closed my eyes and allowed a rueful grin I spread across my normally stoic face.

"I'm coming, Wysteria." I whispered into the wind.


Short and late, I know. My apologies. I've been lazy and stricken with writers block. If you have any ideas for the next chapter, comment of PM me. I would speed up the update process significantly, and make them larger.

The pic is Mrs. Kagami.


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