Perverts and Meeting the Rainbow

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As it turns out, Wysteria was terrified of haunted houses. Not scared of ghosts, really, but to be in a confined space with people she didn't know. Kiyoshi had instead decided to take her to get ice-cream and play a few games.

"Mmm. Yummy." Wysteria said. She had gotten a mint chocolate ice cream and Kiyoshi had gotten blue raspberry. "Thank you, Kiyoshi." She hummed.

"You're welcome." He said, smiling softly. He looked at her as she starred off into space, totally occupied with her frozen treat. 'She's... really cute. And nice. She would be a perfect companio- woah, woah. What did I just think?' He thought. He was getting waaaayyyy ahead of himself. Suddenly something caught his eye.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." He said.

"Ah. Okay." Wysteria said. She watched as Kiyoshi ran off and frowned a little bit.

"Hey." A voice said, cutting through her thoughts. "Wanna play with Onii-San?" she looked over to see two twenty year olds. One of then reached to touch her butt.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!(no.)" She screamed.

"Did you hear that?!" a certain blonde yelled.

"Yeah. We should help her." The other teens chimed. They had noticed by the voice that it was a girl. They all sprinted over to the scene of the crime.

"Dude, she's hot." One of them said.

"Smokin." Another agreed. They looked at the poor white haired girl. She looked terrified.

"Stop!!" A red head yelled.

"Why should we?" One of them asked.

"My orders are absolute! Leave." The red head continued.

"Hmph. Prick. We ain't going no where." The other twenty year old said. Their minds were soon changed by a purple haired giant.

"Are you okay-nanodayo?" One of the teens asked.

"Wh-who are you?" The poor girl said, hiding behind a tree.

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you, ssu." The blonde chimed.

"Ugh. Shut up, Ryota." The red head said. "My name is Akashi Seijuuro. The purple headed one is Murasakibara Atsushi, the dark blue haired one is Aomine Daiki." He continued.

"You are soo smokin." The one called Aomime said.

"You may call him Ahomine. The blonde is Kise Ryota, the green haired four eyes is Midorima Shintaro." The red head continued.

"A-ah. Th-thank you." The young girl stuttered.

"It was no problem." Akashi informed her.

"Hey! Wys-chan! Are you okay?" a rather familiar voice called. They all turned to see the one and only Iron Heart.

"Kiyoshi Teppei!" Kise screamed loudly. Poor Wysteria shrieked and hid behind Kiyoshi. She grabbed onto his shirt tightly.

"Please lower your voice. Loud noises scare Wysteria." The brown haired Seiren player asked.

"Ah. My apologies for Ryota's incompetence." Akashi said. "Sorry for frightening you Wysteria..." he continued.

"K-Kagami." She said. Their eyes a widened. Minus Akashi, of course.

"Ah. You are Kagami's sister?" Midorima asked.

"Yes." The girl said. "Do you know my Onii-San?"

"Yes. A bit." Akashi said. "We kno-" he began before a voice cut through his sentence.

"Dai-kun!" a pink haired girl wailed.

"*sigh* This is Momoi Satsuki." Akashi introduced. "And I take it you already know Kuroko?" He asked. He pointed to the poor boy Momoi had dragged with her.

Instead of answering, Wysteria giggled. They all looked at her. Her laugh sounded like yet ringing of bells. It was enchanting.

"You all look like a rainbow!" she giggled. Yes, it was true. They were even all lined up by color.

Wysteria had just meet a group of children who looked like a rainbow, and to her, this was extremely amusing.

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