Tears and Pain

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Merry Christmas!! How's this for a Christmas gift?

Wysteria PoV

"AHHHHHH!!!" I screamed. Tears ran down my pale face. "Hel...help me..... HEL-P MEEEE!!! TAI-NII!!! MITOBE!!! KIYOSHI!! ANYONE... Someone help me..." I whimpered. My hand was clamped down tight on my stomach, suppressing the blood flow.

My vision ran red as a blur ran to me.

"Wysteria...Oh my Kami!!!" The person yelled. "W-what happened to you?!" My only response was a pained whimper. "shhh. Shhh. It'll be okay. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." They reassured me. For some reason, their voice was hoarse.

"No! Nonononono!" I screamed as they picked me up. "Hurts!!! It hurts!!" I tried to lash out with my bloodied hand an caught them on the face. My vision dimmed as I saw who it was.
Three hours earlier; 3rd Person PoV

"Kagami... are you sure this is a good idea?" Riko asked worriedly.

"She's my sister. So of course. And we are already here anyway." He said. His eyes were absent and dark. "And I'm going to call CPS on that bitch."

"CPS? What's that?" Koganei asked.

"Child Protective Services." Dante quipped in. His hands were shoved into his pockets and his mismatched eyes half lidded.

"Ohhh." Koganei said. He was still confused though.

"Idiot." Izuki muttered.

The group of misfit teens continued to argue and make small talk as they boarded the bus and headed to Mrs. Kagami's house. Towards Wysteria's prison.

Soon they arrived at the mansion.

"Oh my Kami!! It's huge!" Kiyoshi exclaimed.

The mansion was made of grey stone and variations of brick and had to be at least 20,000 square feet. Vines curled up the one side of it and trees were splattered across the yard.


Wysteria PoV

"So, you little bitch." Mom spat out. "You're little friends are here for you. What do you have to say about that, huh?!" She screamed.

"I-I don't...." I stuttered. They were here? How? Why?!

"LIAR!!!" She screamed. Her hand flew and hit me hard across the face. I fell back onto my butt and starred. Her hand flew back again and again, bruising my pale face. Tears pricked at my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

"I. Am. Not. A. Liar." I growled. My eyes burned and my world was dyed in shades of amber and gold.

'See. Not that hard to stand up for yourself, is it?' Shade whispered. Oh, was she wrong.

"What did you say?!" She screamed. "Tell me!!!" She reached into her purse(I don't even know why she had such a thing on her), and pulled out a gun.

My entire body froze.

"M-mom...?" I asked fearfully. It was the wrong thing to do.

"You... are not my child, you devil!!" She yelled. Her finger tightened.

Then, my world erupted in pain.

???'s PoV

"AHHHHHHH!" I heard a scream. It was unmistakably Wysteria's voice. "Hel-help me! HEL-P MEEEE!! TAI-NII!! MITOBE!!! KIYOSHI!!! ANYONE...someone help me..." She screeched. Her voice sounded agonized. I sprinted past the maid who'd answered the door and up the enormous flight of stairs, completely ignoring the expensive paintings, chandeliers, and furniture.

"Sir!" The maid yelled, and grabbed me by the arm. I turned and glared at her. She didn't even flinch. "Help her. Please. Get her out of here. The madam planned to kill her today and do off with the evidence. I fear that maybe she has sped up her plans. Save her! I beg it of you!" She pleaded.

"I will." I said firmly, my voice slightly hoarse.

My feet carried me up the stairs so fast I barely registered what was happening. Soon, I was throwing doors open one by one, searching for the voice of the terrified girl.

Finally, I came upon the right one.

What I saw terrified me. Mrs. Kagami was pointing a gun at the sobbing Wysteria who was already covered in blood. She was going to finish the job.

"STOP!!!" I yelled. My voice cracked in the process, but it got my meaning across.

"What?!" Mrs. Kagami yelled, turning toward me and widening her eyes in surprise. I pulled back my fist and punched her, knocking her out.

I walked towards Wysteria, ignoring her babbling and offering comforting words before gently picking her up.

"No!! Nonnononono!!" She yelled. "Hurts! It hurts!!" Her hand lashed out and slapped me, leaving a bloody handprint on my face.

Then she looked up at me and gasped, causing more blood to leak out of the wound.

"...M-Mit-tob-be?" She forced out, coughing up blood all over her face.

"Shhh. Yeah it's me. You're okay now. You're okay." I whispered to her, stroking her hair as I carried her out of the building.

"W-why...d-di-id...y-y-you...c-come?" She gasped, her face going pale.

"Because I love you." I said simply.

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